Hemorrhoidal crisis: duration, how to calm it quickly?

Hemorrhoidal crisis duration how to calm it quickly

The hemorrhoidal crisis occurs when hemorrhoids naturally present in the anus dilate, become irritated and swell. It is usually very painful.

When hemorrhoids, naturally present in the anus, dilate, become irritated and swell, we speak of a hemorrhoidal crisis. Very painful and uncomfortable, symptoms of the crisis can be relieved in a few days by following medical recommendations simple. What triggers a hemorrhoid attack? What is the duration a hemorrhoid attack? What are the treatments and what diet adopt ?

Definition: what is a hemorrhoidal crisis?

“Everyone has hemorrhoids. These are small venous cushions naturally present at the level of the anus (internal and external) that help control the passage of stool. A hemorrhoid attack is a medical condition that occurs especially when the hemorrhoids are subjected to excessive pressure” indicates Dr. Sophie Pitel, digestive and proctologic surgeon. They can dilate, inflame, swell, which hurts.

How long does a hemorrhoid attack last?

A hemorrhoidal attack usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks depending on the case, the symptoms being more intense at the beginning and gradually diminishing. In some cases, hemorrhoidal attacks can become chronicthat is, they occur recurrently or persist for a long time.

What triggers a hemorrhoid attack?

Among the main causes of a hemorrhoid attack are:

  • there constipation,
  • THE pregnancy and childbirth,
  • heredity (some families are more prone than others).
  • the fact of pushing to pass stools or staying too long in the WC
  • THE spicy meals and alcohol
  • the fact of carry heavy things (pressure on the anus)
  • stay sit long

What are the symptoms of a hemorrhoidal attack?

“A hemorrhoid crisis is manifested by itching, anal pain when we go to the toilet, burns, bleeding (on the toilet paper) and a small swollen ball and painful in the anus“says the digestive surgeon.

What are the treatments for a hemorrhoidal crisis?

Treatment depends on severity. “Generally, the management of constipation, hemorrhoid creams, suppositories and drugs that promote venous return (Daflon®) are sufficient. Take some natural or medicated laxatives can help with going to the toilet. It is also possible to use painkillers or anti-inflammatories unless there are signs of infection. In case of external hemorrhoidal thrombosis, one can perform an excision on the ball to empty the clot of blood“underlines Dr. Sophie Pitel.

When to consult in case of hemorrhoidal crisis?

If the hemorrhoids come back too often, if you have signs of fever and/or if the pain does not go away in 2-3 daysit is advisable to consult a doctor.

What diet in case of hemorrhoidal crisis?

In the event of a hemorrhoid crisis, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables that contain fiber, we drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day and avoiding spicy meals, pepper, mustard and alcohol.

Hemorrhoids crisis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, we observe rather hemorrhoidal thrombosis. The reason is above all hormonal. But the occurrence of hemorrhoids is also linked to thehyperpressure exerted in the pelvis and poor venous return in the anal corridor.

The best prevention is to avoid constipation. “Otherwise, follow healthy lifestyle rules such as drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day, play sports, do not hold back if you want to have a bowel movement or force too hard. We avoid the book or the telephone which lengthens the time spent in the saddle, which should not exceed 5 minutes. Putting a small step under the feet when in the saddle allows you to raise your knees and push less” recommends our expert.

Thanks to Dr Sophie Pitel, digestive and proctological surgeon.
