“Help us”: Stéphane Bern’s message against the “worst breeding” of chickens

Help us Stephane Berns message against the worst breeding of

In a video broadcast this Thursday, May 23, Stéphane Bern supports L214 which denounces the expansion of an intensive chicken farm in Perche.

“I am speaking today because the Perche risks being disfigured if we do not act now,” said Stéphane Bern in a video, broadcast this Thursday, May 23. The host pointed to a chicken farm located in Eperrais. In this farm, 30,000 chickens and turkeys are crowded together. The owner of the premises, who supplies LDC group brands such as Le Gaulois and Maitre Coq, aims to double his breeding to reach 58,000 poultry. To do this, you need prefectural authorization.

The host who lives in the region then decided to add his voice to the L214 association to denounce the project to extend this intensive poultry farming. “The consequences are chilling: risk of soil and water pollution but also nuisances for deliveries with trucks passing through to deliver food composed in particular of GMO soya and antibiotics and the passage of cattle trucks to send the animals to the slaughterhouse”, explains Stéphane Bern. He also deplores the conditions in which the chickens are raised: “They are in a pitiful state. Lame chickens, dead people among the living,” he reports. He assures that the breeder would have already filled his two buildings with thresholds which exceed his current authorization.

Stéphane Bern wants the LDC group to stop “using breeds of chickens genetically selected to grow abnormally quickly” as well as “crowding them together at more than 20 per square meter without any access to the outside”. The host calls for people to sign a petition against this intensive breeding. A gathering, notably of local residents and associations, is also organized on May 28 to prevent this project.

L214, for its part, announced that it wanted to file a complaint for animal abuse. “These are chickens crowded together at 23 per square meter which have been genetically selected to grow abnormally quickly. They have lung problems, heart problems, they sometimes cannot stand on their feet, or reach the feeders to feed themselves. feed”, reported Léo Le Ster, campaign manager for the association, at the microphone of BFMTV. The association considers this breeding “outlawed” and attacks the LDC group much more than the breeder who took the necessary steps for his request.

The latter also defended himself as reported News : “Today, I do not exceed 30,000 poultry. I have all the authorizations to use the buildings and I am now waiting for the return of the prefecture to increase to 58,000 heads”, he assured.
