Chatham Goodfellows are gearing up for their 69th No Child Without a Christmas campaign, which is expected to see a greater need than ever.

Chatham Goodfellows are gearing up for their 69th No Child Without a Christmas campaign, which is expected to see a greater need than ever.
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With the rising cost of living, particularly housing, “There’s going to be people I’m sure who will be new people in our system,” longtime Goodfellow Tim Haskell said.
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The charitable organization served more than 1,600 families last year, providing food and toys to families in need.
It is also anticipated rising food costs will affect the Goodfellows’ efforts to deliver food hampers providing Christmas dinner and some extra food for families.
Haskell said monetary donations are very important for buying holiday items such as turkeys, potatoes, carrots, milk and fruit.
“We all know that the cost of groceries has increased significantly over the last year,” Goodfellows president Craig Williston said in a release.
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“We hope that our generous donors will help us meet the increasing cost of food as well as the increasing number of people applying for food and toy baskets.”
All cash donations over $20 receive a tax receipt.
The Goodfellows already have received a tremendous boost from the local Tetrault, Clarke and Myers families, by providing the use of the former Monsignor Uyen elementary school to store items and run the toy-packing campaign.
“We appreciate the generosity of the school’s owners, especially since it is a great spot to operate from,” Haskell said.
The campaign also used the school last year, when it was still owned by the St. Clair Catholic District school board, he said.
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As they campaign gears up, the Goodfellows want to clarify they are not affiliated with The Gift and do not receive food, toys or money from that organization.
To support No Child Without a Christmas, donors must donate money, food and toys directly to Chatham Goodfellows.
Goodfellows also take pride in ensuring families that need help the most will receive it, Haskell said. They check with other agencies to ensure there are no duplications, which helps spread the giving further afield.
All food not needed for registered families is donated to Outreach for Hunger and other agencies so there is no waste, he added.
Families already in the Goodfellows system can register to receive toys and food online at beginning Nov. 1. Those interested in volunteering to pack and deliver toys and food hampers also can register via the website.
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Haskell said first-time applicants must apply by phone at 519-354-1146, beginning Nov. 6, Monday to Friday between 9 am and 3 pm He added applications close on Dec. 1.
- Dec. 2 – Porchlight Campaign: Residents are asked to leave food, toys on doorstep or donate money in person.
- Dec. 15-16 – Street Sales of Goodfellows Newspaper: Volunteers will fan out across Chatham to collect donations for copies of annual Goodfellows newspaper.
- Dec. 11-14: Gift Packing at former Monsignor Uyen school, 255 Lark St.
- Dec. 18 – Basket delivery: Any time after 5 pm
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