Helldivers 2 has its Democrats toiling for a better future, but there is one day that needs to be celebrated – Liberty Day. You can find out here what this entails and what you can look forward to on Saturday, October 26, 2024.
What kind of day is this? Liberty Day is one of the few holidays that Over-Earth celebrates. On this day the unity of the earth is celebrated and its freedom is celebrated. Before that day, the earth was in democratic chaos.
No one knew who should vote what and there was no unity until people discovered Directed Democracy. When the Democratic Council submitted the draft for Managed Democracy, it marked Freedom Day and with it the start of a future of freedom.
This day is dated October 26th every year and tomorrow is the day. Arrowhead has prepared a lot for the upcoming party and MeinMMO shows you what you can expect.
Nils Hansson Bjerke, the narrative lead of Helldivers 2, explains Freedom Day to you:
A Helldivers 2 developer explains “Freedom Day”
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Iconic weapon and armor from Helldivers 1
What can I expect on Liberty Day? Sony has already revealed a little insight into Freedom Day on its Helldivers 2 product page. According to the description, a 24-hour celebration will take place on October 26, 2024.
What this will require of you is still unclear. However, the picture accompanying the announcement provides some clues. You can see a Helldiver wearing the iconic armor from Helldivers 1, paired with a new variant of the “M2016 Constitution” weapon. This weapon was also available for the first Liberty Day in Helldivers 1.
The “M2016 Constitution” is a repeating rifle and closely resembles the real-life “Springfield M1903”. It has a Mauser breech and can therefore only fire one bullet at a time. The rifle is also equipped with a bayonet at its muzzle. It is not yet known whether the bayonet is only of a cosmetic nature or whether you can use it to stab your enemies.
Are these rewards and how do I get them? The items shown are most likely rewards that can be earned during the 24 hours. Arrowhead has given its players free items in the past.
The Malevelon Creek cape is an example of this. However, fans could only get this cloak if they had actively participated in the fight at the time of the first Creek Battle. So if these items are important to you, you should be there on Liberty Day so you don’t miss anything. You can find out more about Helldivers 2 here: New War Bond: Truth Executor brings you the firepower you need against the enemies of democracy in Helldivers 2