Helicopter plate at Södertälje Hospital not current in the near future

At present, Södertälje Hospital and S: t Göran’s hospital are the only emergency hospitals in Stockholm County that lacks a helicopter runway. In Södertälje, this means that ambulance helicopters are forced to land on Södertälje IP – a sports ground 600 meters from the hospital – and then move sick patients in an ambulance who are driven to or from the hospital.

The Christian Democrats, who are behind the proposal, believe that all emergency hospitals should have a landing site to ensure adequate preparedness in the county, something that SVT previously reported.

Not included in investment plan

Now the regional board with Aida Hadzialic (S) announces at the forefront that the doors are still open to the proposal, but that, in the current ten -year investment plan, there is no helicopter landing site in Södertälje.

Looking over the overall helicopter business

However, they emphasize that this year’s budget includes an assignment to review the overall helicopter business in the Stockholm Region, something that Carl-Johan Schiller (KD), opposition region council, responds to.

– The regional board’s response to a “broader review” is a clear delay and shows that the issue has been prioritized. We Christian Democrats will not release this, as we believe that a helicopter plate is crucial for available and secure healthcare for the Södertalje residents, he writes to SVT in an email.

The Real Estate and Service Committee’s response to the exercise is that a number of investigations into location, approach, obstacles, noise, risk and the impact on the hospital and surrounding environment should be done to determine the suitability.

Next, the case must be included in the regional council.
