Heavy snowfall is expected – SMHI issues orange warning

There is a warning of occasional heavy snowfall in several parts of the country.
SMHI has issued orange warnings for several parts of the country. Heavy snowfall is expected at times from Monday evening, which may cause disturbances in, among other things, traffic until Tuesday morning.
– Locally it can reach up to 30 centimetres, says Ingrid Eronn, meteorologist at TV4.

In south-west Svealand, occasional heavy snowfall is expected, which may cause disturbances in, for example, traffic from Monday evening until Tuesday morning. During Monday evening, the situation is expected to intensify and, for example, in Värmland, it may snow 20-30 centimeters until Tuesday morning, according to SMHI.

Even in central Svealand and Gävleborg county heavy snowfall is expected at times, but how extensive the amount of snow will be is still difficult to assess.

– It is south-western and central Svealand and Gävleborg County that will be affected. Locally, it can reach up to 30 centimeters. It applies above all at night, so we can hope that most people lie down and sleep, says Ingrid Eronn, meteorologist.

It continues to snow

The snowfall then spreads to the northeast and in Gävleborg the heaviest snowfall is expected until Tuesday morning. Until Tuesday morning, 15-25 cm of snow is expected in southern Dalarna and Gästrikland, but locally there may be even more.

– The heaviest amounts come during the evening and night, but then it continues to snow in these areas, says Ingrid Eronn.
