Heavy rain over Dalarna – several alarms about flooding and power cuts

During lunchtime on Monday, three alarms about flooding in Rättvik came in in less than ten minutes. The rainy weather has moved in over parts of Dalarna. When SVT reached the emergency services, units had been sent to the affected areas but there was no time to answer questions.

– It’s raining a lot. I don’t really have time to talk, the phone is ringing now, says the rescue service when SVT reaches them by phone.

Residents in Rättvik testify to destroyed roads and water rushing through gardens.

Thunderstorms cause power outages

In Älvdalen and Mora municipalities, a total of over 11,000 households were temporarily without power due to thunder during Monday afternoon. The majority of the outages have been short-lived, and many households have now received power back. The power outages have occurred in several different locations.

See in the clip the large amounts of sludge that gushes through the residential area.
