Heavy rain moves in over the mountains

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On Friday, SMHI issued a yellow warning for heavy rain over a large area in western Sweden. When the rain and thunder moved upwards during the night, it seems that it was rather larger amounts of rain that fell locally.

— This early in the morning we only have preliminary values, but as far as I can see, the largest amount of rain fell in the southern valleys, around 24 millimeters, and technically it is torrential when it is 35 millimeters in three hours. It was nowhere near that, says Erik Höjgård-Olsen, meteorologist at SMHI.

During Saturday, there are two yellow warnings, the lowest level of the three weather warnings, for heavy rain over northernmost Jämtland, southwestern Lapland and central Lapland mountains as well as eastern Dalarna and over the inner and eastern part of southern Norrland.

– It seems, according to the forecast, that it will fall upwards of 90 millimeters in the northern mountain range, and it is quite significant amounts, but as it appears, no major communities will be affected. Perhaps Arjeplog, reasonably close to the mountains, may be in the risk area. Otherwise, there are a lot of mountain hikers who learn to take a proper shower, I think.

20 millimeters not unusual

At the most, there can therefore be upwards of 90 millimeters of rain, which roughly corresponds to what usually falls during the entire month of August.

— It is not unusual for around 20 millimeters of rain to fall during the summer, certainly not. That it falls upwards of 90 millimeters in Sweden probably happens every year, but it will really be felt.

Calmer on Sunday

During Sunday, calmer weather is expected. There may still be rain over Norrland, but at the moment it is unlikely that the amounts expected will reach any warning level.

— The rain that has now generated a warning in the mountains is pushed north and during Saturday evening will basically only lie over north-eastern Norrland where we still feel the rain area, but I don’t see any clear warning trends. And tomorrow it may fall around five to ten millimeters, so small amounts of rain and some breaks.
