Heavy fires in the western United States

Heavy fires in the western United States

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen Burned out vehicles after the McKinney fire. Photo: Noah Berger/AP/TT

At the same time that parts of the eastern United States are affected by extensive flooding, large forest fires are raging in the western parts of the country.

In California’s Klamath National Park, the McKinney fire rages, which grew from one square kilometer to 160 in a day. Animals have been seen fleeing the flames, and dozens of homes have burned.

– It continues to grow with irregular winds and thunderstorms in the area and we have triple-digit temperatures, says Caroline Quintanilla at the national park, referring to the Fahrenheit scale where 100 degrees means approximately 37.8 degrees Celsius.

The state’s governor, Gavin Newsom, declared a state of emergency, which means firefighters from other states can be called in.

Large wildfires are also raging in Montana and Idaho.
