Heavy criminal charges for the controversial ex-president of Brazil Brief news

The Brazilian police accuse the countrys ex president Bolsonaro of a

Jair Bolsonaro is accused of, among other things, an attempt to the coup and poisoning the opponent.

Former President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro He is subjected to justice for serious crimes. Five Supreme Court judges voted in favor of prosecution.

Public prosecutor Paulo Gonet accuses Bolsonaro for five crimes including a coup attempt containing a plan to poison the rival, current president Luiz inácio lula da Silva as well as murder the Supreme Court judge.

The time of the events is the post -2022 election. Bolsonaro lost the election.

Bolsonaro has denied the accusations as unjustified and regarded as political chase.

Bolsonaro is known as the right -wing and Donald Trump supporter. He is a former army captain and served as President of Brazil from 2019 to 2022.

A coup attempt can be obtained in Brazil for a 12 -year sentence. If Bolsonaro is found guilty of other charges, he can be expected to be sentenced to decades of prison.

Sources: AFP, Reuters, AP
