Heat wave: how to help and cool the birds?

Heat wave how to help and cool the birds

More and more, we are experiencing very hot summer periods. Beyond three consecutive days with temperatures as high at night as during the day, we speak of a heat wave. The human bears with difficulty but what about the birds? How do they survive the heat wave?

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In summer, we hear about heat peaks, heat waves and heat waves. The difference is not obvious, but it does come into play for weather alerts or health vigilance plans.

During a period of heat wavethink about birds who find it difficult to bear heat. Like humans, they are victims of these hot days. How to help them? What tricks to put in place?

Heat wave, give water to the birds

As with humans, thebird can become dehydrated in the face of these peaks of heat. Get into the habit of providing a saucer of water, two or three centimeters full to prevent drowning, in a sheltered corner of the sun. The birds will thus come to drink but also to rehydrate themselves by bathing to do their daily toilet. The birds grain-eating have more regular water needs than birds frugivorous Where insectivores that feed on water-rich food. Change the water regularly and make sure that no larvae of mosquitoes don’t come and settle there. Prefer to hang a drinking trough out of the reach of a cat or other predator and above all place it in the shade, sheltered from the wind. On a balcony or a rim of window in height, install in the shade a drinker fixed to the wall. Fill it regularly to welcome the thirsty birds that will come to quench their thirst.

Heat wave, feed water-rich food to birds

Place, next to the saucer of water, the withered conservation apples that you were going to put on the pile of compost. sips of water, lipids and of sugarthey are a real treat for some species birds such as sparrows, jays where the finches (you can consult the identity cards of the birds on the site LPO). You feed them with seeds and fat in winterwhy not with fruit all summer long?

When the first warm days appear in May, birds such as thrushes and starlings find water by eating cherriesfull ofenergy for them but a real scourge for the gardener. In June, they peck the raspberries if invited. When the late autumn is hot and dry, the birds hydrate themselves by eating grains of grapes directly on the vines and peck the figs on the shrub.

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