Heat wave: drugs likely to aggravate dehydration

Heat wave drugs likely to aggravate dehydration

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    In this period of heat wave, taking certain medications can aggravate the effects of high heat on the body. Hence the warning from the ANSM in anticipation of a weekend announced as historically hot.

    This weekend, in France, is marked by a historic heat wave. Several departments are placed in orange, even red vigilance. The National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) recalls, in this context of high temperatures, some rules for the proper use of medicines.

    Heat and medication: beware, danger!

    The heat wave puts the organism of the people undergoing treatment to the test.

    Indeed, in the event of a heat wave “Certain medications are likely to aggravate exhaustion-dehydration syndrome or heat stroke”warns the ANSM.

    Fragile people – such as those with chronic illnesses, infants and the elderly affected by certain cardiovascular, renal and neuropsychiatric diseases are the first to be affected.

    Among the treatments likely to aggravate the effects of heat on the body and cause dehydration, we find diuretics, anti-epileptics and certain vasoconstrictors and beta-blockers.

    Other treatments can affect the functioning of the kidneys or the body’s thermoregulation: they prevent the body from cooling down, by limiting perspiration and reducing the dilation of blood vessels.

    Antihypertensive drugs are also likely to keep the body at a high temperature.

    The right reflexes to adopt in the event of a heat wave

    In this context, the ANSM recommends:

    • not to stop his treatment without seeking the advice of his doctor or pharmacist;
    • remember to hydrate and refresh yourself regularly;
    • Remember to carefully read the leaflets for your medications.

    Consult a dermatologist online

    Some medications cannot tolerate being exposed to high temperatures. This is why the ANSM recommends:

    • to respect the storage conditions indicated on the notice;
    • Avoid exposing medications to direct sunlight.

    In this way, the stability and effectiveness of the drugs will be preserved.

    In case of doubt, a medical consultation is recommended: only a doctor can assess the drug risks and advise the patient on the best course of action to adopt.
