Heat wave at school: students can stay at home

Heat wave at school students can stay at home

While 12 departments are placed on heat wave red vigilance by Météo France, the Ministry of National Education has announced new measures in schools and educational establishments: parents will be able to keep their children at home this Friday, June 17 (in these departments ).

Can children stay home during a heat wave?

Météo France has just placed 12 departments on alert “red-heat wave”“. These are the departments of Tarn, Haute-Garonne, Gers, Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot-et-Garonne, Landes, Gironde, Charente, Charente-Maritime , Deux-Sèvres, Vienne and Vendée. “In these departments, due to the very high temperatures, parents who wish and are able to do so will be able to keep their children at home and not send them to school or college tomorrow Friday” specifies the Ministry of National Education in a press release of June 16. The prefectural authorities may decide to close schools or educational establishments on a case-by-case basis, otherwise, the reception of pupils remains maintained. “Only low-intensity activities are authorized” recalls the government, which had announced its recommendations at the beginning of the week concerning the measures to be adopted to prevent the risk of heat waves at school, including for high school students taking the exams for the tank in the heat.

What recommendations at school in the event of a heat wave?

  • School principals are encouraged to make parents aware of the need to adapt pupils’ outfits in the event of extreme heat : provide caps and sunglasses, and, if necessary, put on sunscreen before school.
  • Drink regularly and wet your skin.
  • Reduce physical activity and eliminate outings during the hottest hours.
  • Avoid foods that are too fatty or too sweet to prevent dehydration.
  • Pay attention to food storage conditions.
  • Particular attention should be paid to people and students known to be carriers of respiratory pathologies or disabled. If taking medication, check the storage methods and side effects by seeking advice from the National Education doctors and nurses.
  • You should also be alert to any signs of deterioration in your health. (great weakness, great fatigue, dizziness, dizziness, impaired consciousness, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, etc.) and to raise staff awareness of the identification of disorders that may occur, as well as the prevention and reporting measures to be taken. implemented.

Heat wave and school outings: what precautions in case of outdoor outings?

It is recommended to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun (walks, physical and sports activities, etc.), to wear clothing adapted to the heat (hat, loose, light, light-coloured clothing, covering the exposed parts of the skin , etc.), to drink regularly and abundantly, avoiding sugary drinks and favoring non-iced water. Also avoid fatty and sugary foods, use sunscreen with a high protection factor. Finally, if you are going to discovery classes in tents, make sure that these are located in the shade and that the pupils do not stay there during strong heat.

What to do in case of heatstroke during the baccalaureate exams?

The Ministry of National Education recalls the signs that should alert in the event of a heat wave and heat stroke as: great weakness; great fatigue; dizziness, vertigo, impaired consciousness; nausea, vomiting; muscle cramps; high body temperature; thirst and headaches. If you are in the presence of a person who makes incoherent remarks, loses his balance, loses consciousness, he may be the victim of heat stroke. It is then necessary to act quickly, efficiently and immediately call medical assistance (SAMU 15)” notify the ministry. Also remember to place the person in the shade or in a cool place, to sprinkle the person with fresh water, to ventilate it and to offer water in small quantities if the person is conscious.

School principals should respect the recommendations while ensuring the smooth running of the tests, including ensuring that examination rooms remain protected from heat. Candidates must have drinking water available, or will be allowed to leave the room to quench their thirst. Premises less exposed to heat will be preferred to accommodate students (less exposed or protected facades, green and covered areas, etc.). The blinds and shutters must be closed in case of exposure to the sun and the windows closed. “The renewal of the air can be obtained by a short duration opening (between five and ten minutes)” specifies the ministry which recommends cooling the rooms at night when possible. Finally, in the event of mechanical ventilation, it is advisable to ensure proper air renewal and activate the nocturnal over-ventilation mode. It is also possible to use the air-conditioned rooms as a refuge room.

The Heatwave info service telephone platform is activated from the first episode of heat. It informs you on 0 800 06 66 66 (free call from a landline), every day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
