Heat in summer: should you sleep naked at night?

Heat in summer should you sleep naked at night

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    As summer approaches, the heat is more and more felt and with it, the difficulty of sleeping peacefully. Should we sleep naked at night? The answers of Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.

    When the mercury rises, we tend to get rid of blankets, duvets and other sheets that keep us warm in winter. What about his pajamas? In other words, is it advisable to sleep naked at night?

    What’s the point of sleeping naked?

    There are no formal studies on this.” immediately tempers Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo. “However, we can imagine that sleeping naked allows freedom of movement, which is important for sleeping well. Not wearing clothes can also make you less hot, so better sleep and fewer episodes of sweating.” adds the doctor, who however recommends changing his sheets more regularly, because of the direct contact of the body with them.

    Choose loose clothing instead

    But if you are not a fan of this practice, sleeping with pajamas remains a very good option. This avoids the feeling of cold, because the body temperature naturally drops during sleep. “However, it is necessary to choose loose clothes, no matter which ones, to be comfortable and in natural materials such as cotton. The loose pajamas will allow you to position yourself as you want to sleep and will avoid chafing and the risk of mycosis or urinary infection which can slightly increase by wearing tight clothes. adds the doctor.

    Eat light and take a lukewarm shower

    To promote sleep, it is possible to play on other elements than clothes, especially in the evening. For example, it is advisable to avoid hearty dishes that are heavy to digest and instead favor vegetables and fruits, especially raw vegetables, but also light meals such as cold soups, to facilitate digestion.

    Hydration is also essential, but favor water over sugary drinks and avoid alcohol consumption, which reduces the ability to fight against heat and can lead to dehydration. Caffeinated and sugary drinks are also to be avoided because they increase the urge to urinate, which can be annoying at night.

    Finally, to go to bed feeling fresh, it is also possible to take a lukewarm shower before going to bed.
