Heat dome: 50 departments on heatwave orange alert

Heat dome 50 departments on heatwave orange alert

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    According to the Meteo France weather report, 49 departments are placed on heat wave orange vigilance. A heat dome is expected in France. What is it about ? How to protect yourself from its misdeeds? Doctissimo takes stock.

    In the coming days, temperatures will rise further and the biggest heat wave of the summer will affect the country. “This new episode promises to be the hottest of the summer of 2023, also one of the latest with such a level of intensity”, estimates Météo-France. Heat peaks are expected for next Tuesday or Wednesday. In question, a heat dome will form and will trap the hot air.

    Heat dome: what is it?

    “From the weekend, even warmer air will rise from the south, leading to the establishment of a heat dome”, explain Meteo France.

    A “heat dome” is a recent expression that is widely used during the summer period in weather reports. This is a term popularized for the general public to characterize a phenomenon of “bell”, “cover”, by the high atmospheric pressures which therefore form a dome.

    Due to the appearance of a fairly large and static anticyclone on the territory, a heat dome will soon form and will trap the warm air. This trapped air, which tries to escape, will then heat up by compressing itself towards the ground. Disturbances such as rain and wind will be blocked by this barrier, as well as clouds.

    A heat wave toll-free number activated again

    High temperatures (between 39° and 40°) are expected in certain regions of France this Saturday, especially in the south-east and south-west of France. “This weekend, the high temperatures are increasing, in particular in the southern half of the country. They promise to be long-lasting and intense with values ​​sometimes above 40°C in the south-east from Sunday. They should to be maintained at least until the middle of next week”, explains Météo-France in its weather report published this Thursday afternoon. These high temperatures will extend in the coming days in the north of the country.

    In case of questions about the right actions to adopt regarding the upcoming high heat, the government activated this morning around 9 a.m. the toll-free number Heatwave Info Service 0800.06.66.66. The call is free from a landline in mainland France. You can contact this national information platform between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

    “This telephone platform provides advice on how to protect yourself and those around you, especially the most fragile, and how to adopt the right reflexes in the event of high temperatures”, says the Ministry of Health. This toll-free number had already been activated in July 2022 but also in 2019.

    50 departments on heatwave orange vigilance

    On Sunday, Météo France has now placed 50 departments on heatwave orange vigilance. The organization states:The heat wave peak is expected around Wednesday (and temperatures may still remain very hot on Thursday). Some absolute records are likely to be broken, especially Tuesday and Wednesday towards the Rhone Valley, with 40 to 42 degrees expected. The duration and intensity of this episode could require an evolution of vigilance towards an aggravation, especially on Drôme / Ardèche (even Vaucluse and Gard), during the broadcast of this Monday 4 p.m. But this possibility still needs to be confirmed. In addition, some records could also be approached in the southwest on Wednesday to Thursday“.

    Santé Publique France coordinates the heat wave alert system, to anticipate heat wave episodes and implement actions to prevent and limit health effects.

    here are the weather alert levels :

    • Level 1 “seasonal watch”, heatwave green vigilance;
    • Level 2 “heat warning”, which corresponds to the yellow vigilance level in the event of a temporary heat peak over one or two days without reaching the alert thresholds;
    • Level 3 “heat wave alert”,
    • Level 4 “maximum mobilization”, in the event of a proven heat wave of exceptional intensity.

    The right things to do

    With the high temperatures expected this weekend, certain actions should be taken to protect yourself and stay healthy:

    • Stay in a cool place;
    • Avoid going out during the hottest hours;
    • Drink water regularly and avoid alcohol consumption;
    • Close the shutters or lower the blinds during the day;
    • 2 vent your home at night to evacuate the hot air stored during the day;
    • Avoid physical exertion;
    • Rather practice your physical activity at cool times (very early in the morning for example);
    • Give regular updates to your loved ones;

    If you feel unwell, don’t wait to call 15. In addition, prevention messages will be broadcast on TV and radio.
