Temperatures are rising outside: outside, it is very hot. The summer weather makes most people happy, except you, who are sensitive to heat. That’s why you can’t stand it!
The natural sensitivity
“Some people can’t stand the heat, while others can’t stand the cold: it’s completely personal, indicates Doctor Jean-Pierre Mercier, general practitioner. Some individuals are more cautious than others, others tend to get hot faster… The main thing is to know yourself well and to listen to your body. As soon as we are warm, we undress.”
Older people are more receptive to heat. Their body gets tired faster; they are then more vulnerable and prone to discomfort than others. Babies and young children are also more sensitive in the heat. The toddler does not know how to express that he is hot or thirsty. His entourage must be attentive to certain signs: irritability, red cheeks, wet hair, etc. It is also essential to regularly offer something to drink to children in case of high heat to prevent dehydration and heatstroke.
Hormonal variations
Certain pathologies or chronic illnesses can be the causes of poorly tolerated heat. When we are sick, the body tires more quickly and the body resists heat less effectively. On the other hand, hormonal changes raise body temperature and lead to hot flashes. This is why, for example, women in menopause or pregnant do not tolerate heat well.
daily activity
Exercising in a hot environment makes the person more sensitive to heat. It is also normal that people who work in such conditions cannot tolerate the heat. When faced with the signs of heat stroke, all activity should cease: profuse sweating, pale complexion, cramps, severe fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc. According to Dr. Mercier, the humidity levels, like heat, also have an impact on the body.
A lack of hydration
A lack of water in the body harms the organism. It is not able to defend itself properly against the external heat and regulates the internal temperature poorly. As Dr. Mercier points out, hydration is essential in case of heat. The doctor advises drink a small bottle of water before getting out of bed. “The goal is to bring water to the organs so that they function properly during the morning. Also, do not wait to be thirsty to drink water, because it is one of the first signs of dehydration“, recalls the specialist.
I’m too hot: what should I do?
Throughout the day, be sure to hydrate yourself properly and gradually. Uncover yourself at the first sensations of heat and stay in a cool place as often as possible. “If you are very hot, you should cool down using the heat sensitive zones. Place a cold cloth around your neck or under your arms, at armpit level. This way you lower your body temperature.“, recommends Doctor Mercier.
Thanks to doctor Jean-Pierre Mercier, general practitioner.