Hearthstone will now give you packs for €180 if you’ve ignored it long enough

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If you now open your Battle.Net client, a big Hearthstone gift could await you there. Because the developers are currently distributing up to 150 card packs to players. But why?

What is this gift? Up to 150 card packs for Hearthstone are currently being given away by Blizzard itself. This corresponds to a purchase value of around €180. According to reports, the number of packs should depend on how long you have been inactive. We at MeinMMO have tried this and can confirm that these gifts are now being distributed.

This is a big topic on Hearthstone’s reddit right now.

This is how you pick up the card pack gift

You have to do this: If you’ve been inactive in Hearthstone for a while, chances are you have a gift waiting for you. To do this, start your Battle.Net client. If you don’t see a gift, restarting the software might help.

Immediately after the start, you should be greeted by a popup that announces the good news.

This is what the popup that appears after starting the client looks like

Within the popup, select “Redeem” to secure the gift. The next time you start Hearthstone you will have the packs to choose from.

What’s in it? The gift is divided into 75 standard packs and 75 packs for Castle Nathria. If you were to buy the packs yourself, the prices would be as follows:

  • 60 standard tickets to Nathria Castle cost €70, 15 standard tickets to Nathria Castle cost €20 – so a total of €90
  • 60 standard cards cost €70 and an additional 15 cards cost €20 – That’s also €90, so the set comes to a value of €180
  • We have excluded special returnee packages and offers from the invoice.

    Does the gift ever expire? Yes. You must redeem the gift by December 31, 2022. If you don’t, it will be forfeited. So it’s best not to wait too long.

    By the way: If you prematurely clicked away the popup, you can click on the gift symbol in the top right corner of the symbols and still redeem the packs.

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    Why is Blizzard giving you so many packs?

    This is behind it: Back in the summer, we reported on happy players who were given 150 card packs by Blizzard. At that time, Blizzard explained that this was a test. Players were divided into different groups and then between 20 and 150 card packs were distributed to the respective players.

    At that time, the test only ran in France and the United Kingdom. This time, players from Germany can also enjoy the gift.

    What is the number of packs based on? According to Blizzard, the group assignments for the number of packs in the summer should have expired randomly. The players doubt whether that will be the case again this time.

    This is a big topic on reddit, and players suspect inactivity time plays an important role here. More precisely, it is assumed that it is about the “Constructed” game mode and how long players have been inactive there. Because users report that they have received 150 packs, although they played Battlegrounds the day before – but not Constructed for years. So there seems to be a direct connection here.

    Because many confirmed that they received the gift despite being active in Arena and BGs, but hadn’t touched Constructed for a long time.

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