Heartburn: 4 “fire-fighting” grandmother’s remedies

Heartburn 4 fire fighting grandmothers remedies

Difficult, painful digestion, gastric reflux, coughing after a meal… Here are grandmother’s remedies that are effective in calming the symptoms of heartburn.

Simple actions can limit the symptoms of stomach pains : avoid large meals, fatty foods, sugar, sodas, take the time to chew food well to promote digestion, eat while sitting down, have dinner 3 to 4 hours before going to bed, avoid exercises before eating, prohibit tobacco and restrict alcohol. “Indeed, adapting your lifestyle, as well as some health and diet rules are essential in this situation: the stress at work and at home may be the source. And if in addition to bad food combinations like, for example, protein consumption with starchy foods or cereals or that of raw vegetables and/or excess tomatoes and out of season can accentuate the situation” specifies naturopath Diane Briol. The entire diet should be reviewed in case of heartburn. Herbal solutions can then be very effective.

Ginger soothes the digestive system

It has very interesting properties for heartburn, contrary to the image one might have of this spice.. “The very nature of this plant can be surprising as a solution to heartburn. We could in fact imagine that through its heating action, it would aggravate the burn but, on the contrary, ginger will soothe the digestive system”, explains Diane Briol. Ginger can be consumed in the form of herbal tea or in maceration. We do infuse slices of fresh organic ginger in boiling water for 15 minutes and we leave these pieces to macerate for the day, in order to have a well concentrated drink. And we recommend drinking 3 to 4 cups of this drink per day (you can add a few slices of lemon). If the taste is not appreciated, ginger can also be taken in capsules, at a rate of 2 capsules 3 times a day over 3 weeks.

Green clay calms acidity

This is consumed in the form of “clay water”. The green clay will be diluted in water and we will let this solution sit for 1 to 2 hours before drinking the water that floats. Green clay allows better management of acidity and toxins in the stomach. It also has interesting anti-inflammatory properties in this context.

“Fire-breaking” aloe vera

In juice, the latter is a very good natural anti-inflammatory which helps fight against the discomfort of heartburn. Aloe vera has a soothing action: “It is a real fire-break thanks to the aloin it contains. However, it should not be overused.”

Fig tree bud calms the nervous system

“It is very interesting because it will have a soothing effect on the entire nervous system and therefore on stomach-related ailments. Often stomach inflammations and ulcers are linked to an excessively nervous system. tense.” The fig bud treatment takes place over 3 weeks at a rate of 15 drops per day for an adult, 1 drop per age for a child.

The aim of these different remedies is to treat the cause of heartburn and not its consequences. Naturopathy thus provides solutions both in terms of nutrition and in terms of stress and emotion management.

Thanks to Diane Briol, naturopath in Lavaur (81).
