Heart attacks are increasing in young people: What should be considered? What should be avoided?

Heart attacks are increasing in young people What should be

Our eating habits are very important. Foods containing artificial and additives, foods with excessive fatty and salty contents, eating habits without paying attention to meals, excessive carbohydrate intake and consumption of high-calorie foods cause body fat, obesity and insulin resistance. Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Deniz Translation gave information about the subject.


Malnutrition methods since childhood cause an increase in blood fats and disorders in carbohydrate metabolism at an early age, and as a result, they trigger inflammatory processes that cause hardening in the veins in our body. For this reason, foods with artificial ingredients should be avoided, and diets rich in fiber and vegetables containing balanced nutrients are necessary to prevent disease.


It is very dangerous for a resting blood pressure to be higher than the normal value of 120/80. The constant high pressure on the vessel walls prepares the ground for the formation of plaque that can cause damage and eventually calcification. Blood pressure measurements should be made on time. If it is high, the underlying anatomical or hormonal reasons should be investigated and blood pressure should be strictly controlled.



Sudden death in the family, heart attack at an early age, high blood pressure, etc. should be a warning. Genetic factors are born to us, we cannot change them, but the disease can be controlled by taking precautions in the early period and having a family history should be a warning for us.


Due to today’s living conditions and psychosociological effects, smoking or tobacco use at an early age may cause future heart attacks. Tobacco use should be abandoned and professional support should be sought if necessary.


Today, intense business life and environmental conditions present living conditions unsuitable for human nature. As a result, the stress burden we experience causes negative consequences in our body through hormonal, psychological, etc. ways, and this situation returns as a risk for cardiovascular diseases. Paying attention to sleep patterns and a lifestyle that we can devote more time to ourselves and our hobbies should be chosen.


The greatest evil that the modern age offers us is inactivity. For active movement, walking should be preferred instead of using a car for close distances, and using stairs instead of elevators is suitable for the beginning. A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of heart disease at an early age by triggering diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

DIABETES (Diabetes)

Diabetes is a chronic, progressive disease that affects all systems. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential. Delayed diagnosis and untreated, this disease brings the risk of heart attack at an early age.


The above-mentioned risks are one of the most important reasons for the emergence of cardiovascular diseases in the early age group today. Innovations in diagnosis and treatment methods are exciting. All these risk factors can be detected and treated in the early period. Again, in this patient group, Coronary Bypass surgeries can be performed safely and successfully in order to prevent the damage caused by the clogged vessels.
