Hear the secret recording that reveals construction giant Bravida’s invoice fraud against Region Skåne

Region Skåne has reported the installation company Bravida Sverige AB to the police, after an external investigation showed that the company added extra hours to invoices in order to get paid more.

It was a tip last fall that was the start of the investigation, where it was discovered that eleven out of fourteen invoices that were reviewed were incorrect, corresponding to SEK 150,000. But the region’s property director Pål Svensson fears that the sums involved are larger than that.

The discovery that Bravida overbilled has set in motion a process of reviewing all suppliers.

– This is a welfare crime as I see it, says Pål Svensson.

Manager at Bravida is fired after invoice fraud

The investigation led to the cancellation of the framework agreement on Thursday and the region has reported Bravida to the police. The preliminary investigation began on Monday.

SVT Nyheter Skåne has taken part of the audio recording, which is part of the material that will be investigated according to the preliminary investigation leader Lars Olson at the Ecocrime Authority.

One of the managers who in the meeting pressured another employee to add hours to the region’s invoices has now been fired, according to the company’s communications manager.

Bravida says in an interview with SVT that they take the situation seriously, they will cooperate with the police and the company does not stand behind what is said in the recording. They announce that an internal investigation is underway.

Hear excerpts from the secret audio file in the video.
