Hear how the people of Luleå deal with stress in everyday life

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In the spring, Norrbottningar will be able to get help to rehabilitate themselves from stress-related problems – for example, exhaustion.

SVT Nyheter Norrbotten went out on the town and asked some people how they deal with stress in everyday life.

It also turned out that they stress themselves out for a number of different reasons. Agustín Valencia gets stressed when he sits in front of the computer screen for far too long and it is usually related to work. For Malin Eriksson, however, it is the exact opposite. She is on parental leave and feels more stress at home than at work.

– When I worked, I had routines and could sleep well. I had the foundation in place, she says.

In the clip, you will hear how the people of Luleå deal with their stress.
