“Healthy start to school” should combat obesity among children – Ronnaskolan first: “I mostly want to eat vegetables now”

Södertälje municipality is described by the region as a “pioneer” in tackling the issue of children’s health. There, the model has been widely implemented.

Region Stockholm invests 3 million over the next two years to spread the model to more municipalities and schools.

Reduced obesity among children

Tests have been done and the region believes that overweight and obesity have decreased among the children because of the program. Now the region wants more schools to join.

– The method is evidence-based and we see very good results. It is aimed at pre-school class and first class, both school and parents are involved, says Karin Fälldin (C), chairman of the public health and dental care committee in Region Stockholm.

Appearance fixation in children

Ronnaskolan has been working with the method for two years. It is now implemented in everything from household tasks to, for example, movement breaks.

The method has received criticism because it risks creating a fixation in young children about how they should look and feel.
– There is very little risk with such young children. This can occur later when the children are older and are exposed to special contexts or social media, says school nurse Aleksandra Dinic.

Hear more about how the method interrupts lessons with dance in the video.
