Healthy glow: take advantage of the cosmetic virtues of carrots

Healthy glow take advantage of the cosmetic virtues of carrots

Eat carrots, you’ll look good! And that’s true ! Discover all the cosmetic virtues of carrots, and how to prepare a good-looking mask.

Why use carrots in cosmetics?

The carrot comes from the Apiaceae family, in which we also find parsnips or celery. It is one of the most widely grown root vegetables in the world. It is even more so than the potato! Appeared in France and Europe in the 18th century, this vegetable is said to have originated in Afghanistan. There are several kinds. The orange carrot, of course, but there are also yellow, purple, white carrots… In total, there are almost a thousand varieties.

On the same subject

“The carrot used in cosmetics is Carota daucus sativa, a species particularly rich in beta-carotene”, notes Didier Thevenin, ambassador of the Melvita brand.

It is especially carrot oil which is used in the care. After harvesting, the carrots are cut into slices and left to macerate in vegetable oil, most of the time organic sunflower oil for certified formulas, sometimes non-GMO soybean oils. The oil is exposed to sunlight for several weeks, for the most natural maceration possible.

It has softening and antioxidant properties and provides a light tan thanks to its orange color which tints the skin without oxidizing it, unlike self-tanners.

In video: the revitalizing carrot mask tutorial

In what products is it found?

The oily carrot macerate can be used pure or incorporated as an active ingredient in face or body care.

It finds its place in healthy glow products, anti-aging formulas and can even be used in tan extenders. You can mix one or two drops in a dose of your body milk for an instant golden skin effect.

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