Healthcare, Natea tender for software development for neonatology, neonatal intensive care and pediatric oncology

Healthcare Natea tender for software development for neonatology neonatal intensive

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Natheathe innovative startup specializing in the application ofArtificial intelligence to information systems in the field of neonatology, neonatal intensive care, paediatrics and pediatric oncology, won an ambitious tender at one of the main hospitals in Lombardy, the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia. L’objective is joint development, in cooperation with the medical staff of the hospital, of an electronic medical record which, thanks to the optimization of treatment processes, will make it possible to improve the quality of assistance provided to neonatal and pediatric patients, in particular those requiring intensive care or complex sub-type treatments -intensive, while supporting doctors and nurses in their daily work.

This collaboration, led by Dr Marco MintDirector of the Women’s and Maternal and Child Department and Director of SC Pediatric Oncohematology, and by Dr. Stefano Ghirardello, Director of SC Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, and which involves engineers, computer scientists, doctors and nurses of the San Matteo Polyclinic, will guarantee the creation of a unique product for all interested departments and departments, custom built and adhering to the multiple needs of healthcare professionals and patients, both in terms of ease of use and technological innovation.

Between integrated functions in the electronic medical recordthere will be the application of artificial intelligence to prevent errors and support decision-making and communication between healthcare professionals, as well as functionality dedicated to scientific research to facilitate the management of patients involved in treatment and research protocols. Such improvements will lead to the development of a second phase, with predictive algorithms on the criticality of the child and a clinical decision support system (CDSS) for the prescription and administration of off-label drugs. This assignment represents an important opportunity for all the neonatal and pediatric departments involved and, in particular, for highly complex ones such as the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Section of Pediatric Oncohaematology.

Efficiency in data collection it will be unprecedented. Through the electronic medical record, it will be possible to consult in real time updated clinical protocols, pharmacological data sheets and immediately access haematochemical and instrumental tests, as well as the vital parameters of the patients coming from the monitoring instruments. Also, the active control of the whole therapeutic process, from prescription to administration, will reduce the risk of therapeutic errors related to the human factor.

Second Mauro Cofelice, Natea CEO: “We are proud to have been chosen for this project and can’t wait to see the software in action. Natea has worked hard to present an innovative, customized, modular and scalable solution capable of meeting the specific needs of the hospital. Our goal is to provide a technological solution that simplifies the work of healthcare professionals and, at the same time, guarantees a high quality of neonatal care. We are confident that this collaboration will lead to positive results and benefits for all newborns who will be treated at this hospital. Let me also thank our friends and partners at Next4, without whose help none of this would have been possible.”
