Healthcare in Norrbotten sounds the alarm: “Very strained in care before the Christmas holiday”

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– We expect that more people will need ambulance transport, emergency medical care and then be enrolled in the care department for respiratory symptoms, says Moa Bjerner, head of Division Länssjukvård 1.

Region Norrbotten writes in a press release that the infection is spreading to healthcare personnel, which affects the capacity within the entire healthcare system.

“Toughest at Sunderby hospital”

– It is a difficult situation because our staff have to be extra careful not to go to work if they are sick. They must not risk infecting patients, says Moa Bjerner.

Region Norrbotten now offers a special Christmas allowance to healthcare workers who take extra passes.

– There can be long waiting times at the emergency departments in Norrbotten and it will be the toughest at Sunderby Hospital. Especially if you seek emergency medical care for less serious conditions, says Moa Bjerner.
