Healthcare, here is the Schillaci Plan to reduce waiting lists

Healthcare here is the Schillaci Plan to reduce waiting lists

(Finance) – The creation of a single regional and infra-regional Cup and a platform for monitoring times, the possibility of purchasing services from private structures and extending the times for carrying out visits and tests on Saturdays and Sundays. They are some novelty which aims to introduce the decree prepared by the Minister of Health, Horace Schillaci, which should arrive in the Council of Ministers on June 3. The measure aims to reduce waiting lists also creating a dedicated National Observatory.

Minister Schillaci’s plan also includes payment for the booked and non-cancelled visit, when he doesn’t show up. Among the points inserted in the document which has begun to circulate among the press – which can still be modified before arriving at Palazzo Chigi – there is also one which provides for the national monitoring on compliance with the maximum waiting times for the priority classes of the booked services carried out by theNational Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas), where the National Waiting List Platform is established with the aim of achieving interoperability with the platforms of each region and autonomous province.

Finally, the decree provides for theobligation for the “prescribing doctor” to indicate “for outpatient specialist services” the class of priority if it is a first visit or diagnostic tests, in addition to the diagnostic suspicion. To do this you will have to use the International Classification of Diseases code.

For each of the priorities will be foreseen fixed times divided into 4 classes: class U (urgent), requires performance within 72 hours of the request; class B (short wait), within ten days of booking; class D (deferred), within 30 days for visits or 60 days for diagnostic tests; class P (programmable), within 120 days of booking as indicated by the prescribing doctor.
