Healthcare a new area of ​​risk for organized crime

The welfare systems and healthcare are under attack by the criminal gangs. That’s what several experts say in Monday’s Aktuellt.

– Drugs have been central to organized crime and we have had tunnel vision. It has meant that we have missed other parts of the sources of income for the criminal gangs, says Amir Rostami, a professor of criminology, who has done an investigation on grant crimes.

He points in particular to fraud and welfare crimes as new “business areas” for criminal gangs.

Difficult to detect

In the past, we have mostly seen economic crime as something of a desk crime, says Sara Persson, who is a crime prevention specialist at the Ecocrime Authority.

– But now we see that there are very strong connections to organized crime with violent capital, she says.

At the same time, financial crime is difficult to prosecute because the risk of detection is low.

– We must build systems that make it more difficult for criminals to commit financial crimes, says Sara Persson.

According to Jan Persson, independent security expert, organized financial crime can be compared to a family-based business empire.

Health care a risk area

– What we see is that they work very systematically, often through real companies, says Jan Persson.

Sara Persson also says that they see an increasing use of companies, partly to commit crimes against the welfare system, partly to handle the money from the drug trade. It can be health centres, dental clinics or even dropout activities.

– Healthcare companies are a particular risk area where we have caught organized crime. You start or infiltrate a business, she says.

In the clip, you can hear what could stop the money going to the criminal gangs.
