Health unit reports area’s 78th COVID-19 death

Slight decrease in COVID 19 hospitalizations in HN

The Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit reported another COVID-19 death on Wednesday.

It was the 78th death in the area since the start of the pandemic in March of 2020. No details surrounding the fatality were released.

Meanwhile, the number of people hospitalized in Haldimand-Norfolk with COVID-19 has dropped substantially from last week.

The Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit reported Wednesday two patients in care at one of the area’s three local hospitals with two of those people in intensive care units. There were eight people in care on Friday with two of them in critical care.

The in-patient rate at the area’s three local hospitals has decreased slightly going from 92.3 per cent to 90.4 per cent while the ICU rate has increased from 50 per cent to 100 per cent.

The noted occupancy rates are current as of Monday.

Capacities are based on the percentage of beds that are full at any time, regardless of the reason for admission. There are 164 in-patient beds at Haldimand-Norfolk’s three hospitals and 10 ICU beds.

The number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 refers to local residents who were admitted due to COVID-19.

Along with the 77 deaths attributed to COVID-19, there have been 23 people who have tested positive but who have died from complications attributed to other illnesses.

The HNHU was reporting four new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday. Since the numbers were last reported on Friday, there have been 35 cases.

As of Wednesday there were five outbreaks at high-risk settings in the area, three listed as retirement homes and two at long-term care homes.

The HNHU has administered 211,074 doses of the vaccine and there are now 67,407 people who have completed their vaccine series. There have also been 29,880 booster doses administered.

The total number of doses administered in Haldimand-Norfolk is 249,146. Some residents of the area have received a dose outside of the HNHU.

The percentage of people aged five and older who are fully vaccinated sits at 79.4 per cent and at 82 per cent for those who have received at least one dose of the vaccine. There is 18 percent of the population who is unvaccinated.

The health unit notes that data on vaccinations can be delayed up to 48 hours.

Walk-in vaccine clinics are now being offered for those aged 12 and older Monday through Friday at the Norfolk General Hospital from 8 am to 3 pm Clinics will also be held this week at the health unit office in Dunnville on Wednesday from 10 am to 3 pm, the Delhi Library on Thursday from noon to 4:30 pm, Riverside Exhibition Center in Caledonia on Thursday from 10 am to 6 pm and Waterford Community Center on Friday from 11 am to 7 pm

The GO-VAXX Bus will be at Hagersville No Frills on Wednesday from 11 am to 7 pm and Courtland Public School on Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm

Visit to book an appointment at one of the above clinics.

Those who can’t get to a vaccine clinic can call 519-427-5903 to request free transportation.

There is also a homebound service for individuals who have difficulty leaving their homes. This program involves two healthcare professionals visiting homes and administering first and second doses in Haldimand and Norfolk.

Visit or call 519-427-5903 for more information on the program.

Visit for more information and for full details about vaccine rollout in Haldimand and Norfolk counties and for more information on the rollout in Ontario.

The Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board and Grand Erie District School Board are reporting the percentage of absences for students and staff at each of its schools. The numbers are based on those who attend in-person learning.

Visit for the full list of BHNCDSB schools and for the full list of GEDSB schools.

On Wednesday Public Health Ontario reported 1,082 people in hospital. Of those in hospital, 160 are in intensive care.

The province reported 775 new cases over the past 24 hours although that number is likely underreported due to limited access to testing. The positivity rate of 8.4 per cent was the lowest since Feb. 22.

There were 11 new COVID-19 deaths reported on Wednesday and there have been 13,175 deaths in the province since the start of the pandemic in March of 2020.


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