Health unit reports 85th COVID-19 death

Health unit reports 85th COVID 19 death

The Brant County Health Unit on Monday reported the area’s 85th COVID-19 death.

The victim is a woman in her 90s who was classified as hospitalized at the time of her death and whose transmission was part of an outbreak at Riverview Terrace, a Brantford retirement home, that was declared over on Aug. 22. No other details were released by the health unit.

Meanwhile, the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 in Brantford-Brant has increased slightly.

On Monday, the Brant Community Healthcare System reported 13 people with the virus receiving care at Brantford General Hospital and the Willett in Paris, with two in critical care. There were 12 COVID patients hospitalized on Friday, with one patient in critical care.

The number of new cases reported Monday over the past 72 hours was 24, although that number is likely higher due to limited testing.

There have now been 11,111 confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic and of all the cases, 10,951 have been resolved.

Active cases continue to decrease, falling to 75 on Monday from 86 on Friday.

Of the patients admitted to hospital, 159 have been unvaccinated for a rate of 902.43 per 100,000 people, while 337 have been fully vaccinated for a rate of 294.51/100,000. In ICUs, 16 people were unvaccinated for a rate of 90.46/100,000 and 37 were fully vaccinated for rate of 32.34/100,000.

As for vaccinations, there have been 347,021 total doses of the vaccine administered at vaccination clinics in Brantford-Brant. In Brantford-Brant, 84.81 per cent of residents, aged five and older, have received one dose of the vaccine, while 81.88 per cent have received two or more doses.

Walk-in vaccination clinics will be held this week at Lynden Park Mall (near Entrance 4) Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm and at 195 Henry St. on Monday (today) from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm and Wednesday from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Visit for more information about the local vaccine rollout, including fourth-dose eligibility, and for more information on the rollout in Ontario, including booking third-dose appointments.

There are several outbreaks in the area, including:

  • Community Living Brant (Fairmount), Aug. 25, two staff members
  • Amber Lea Place (Burford), Aug. 24, three residents
  • St. Joseph’s Lifecare Center (Pine Trail), Aug. 19, two residents and one staff member
  • Telfer Place Long-Term Care Home (Paris), Aug. 9, eight residents and six staff members
  • Telfer Place Retirement Residence (Paris), July 26, 11 residents and four staff members
  • Brantford General Hospital (B7 unit), Aug. 10, 17 patients and one staff member

As of Monday, there were three active cases on Six Nations of the Grand River and four people self-isolating

One person from Six Nations is currently hospitalized with the virus.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 1,676 confirmed COVID cases on Six Nations.

Exact numbers are not available but 55 per cent of the population has received a dose of the vaccination, with 51 per cent competing in their vaccination series.

There have been 24 COVID-19 deaths on Six Nations since the start of the pandemic two years ago.


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