Health: This Reason You Shouldn’t Eat Sprouted Potatoes

Health This Reason You Shouldnt Eat Sprouted Potatoes

There is a real health risk when you eat sprouted potatoes and we don’t always know it…

The few potatoes sitting on the worktop or in the kitchen cupboard are soft and have started to sprout, or even turn green. As a result, we hesitate to eat them and that’s understandable! Because while we often think that it won’t hurt us to eat potatoes that have sprouted, there is not zero risk. And we don’t always know that…

Sprouted potatoes produce solanine, a substance that has a bitter taste and becomes toxic when ingested in too large quantities. It is also present in tomatoes and eggplants. Solanine can cause headaches, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, or even burning in the throat. “However, it is important to point out that if you eat three sprouted potatoes, it is not serious at all! It is only if you consume them in large quantities that you can risk poisoning, so you must avoid doing it too often.” nuance Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist in Paris. According to this specialist, it is best to avoid eating sprouted potatoes when they are really damaged. That’s to say ?

Although it is not dangerous to cook a few sprouted potatoes from time to time, it is still advisable to observe the general condition of the potatoes beforehand. “If the potatoes are soft, green, have many sprouts and are in poor condition, it is better not to eat them. On the other hand, if they are in good condition, that is say firm and devoid of green spots, it is entirely possible to eat them”, informs the dietician-nutritionist. Simply remove the sprouts and other damaged parts using a knife, peel the potatoes then rinse them thoroughly. “As a precautionary principle, the consumption of sprouted potatoes is still not recommended for vulnerable people (pregnant or breastfeeding women, children, elderly people)”, warns our interlocutor. As a reminder, it is recommended to:

  • Store potatoes in a dark, cool, dry place.
  • Remove green spots, sprouts and damaged parts from potatoes and eat them without the skin.
  • Never eat rotten potatoes.

If symptoms suggestive of poisoning occur, do not hesitate to contact a poison control center.

Thanks to Alexandra Murcier, dietitian-nutritionist in Paris
