Health protocol at school: what measures at the start of the school year?

Health protocol at school what measures at the start of

This July 12, the Ministry of National Education presented to the teacher unions the new health protocol which will be in force at the start of the school year in September. It provides for three levels of measures.

What health protocol at the start of the school year?

On July 12, the Ministry of National Education and the High Council for Public Health presented to the teachers’ unions the new health protocol that will be applied in schools at the start of the school year in September 2022. “(He plans) a graduated health framework based on a set of recommendations (equivalent to a normal situation) and three levels of measurements, which can be activated according to the contextsaid Marie-Hélène Piquemal, national vice-president of Snalc at Figaro. Level 1 corresponds to “moderate vigilance”, level 2 to “increased vigilance” and level 3 to “very unfavorable evolution”. The level of protocol that will be applied at the start of the school year will not be decided until the end of august. The outline of this protocol will be communicated this July 13, to communities and parent federations.

What do the three levels of the health protocol correspond to?

  • Level 1 is equivalent to moderate vigilance, reminder and encouragement of barrier gestures, limitation of large gatherings.
  • Level 2 has increased vigilance, the reinforcement of barrier gestures, the adaptation of practical methods in physical education and sports (EPS).
  • Level 3 is equivalent to a very unfavorable development, with a doctrine of reception in high school and the strengthening of restrictive measures (limited physical and sports activities)”have, in fact, explained the unions to AFP.

10 day deadline to change protocol at school

Educational teams will have a period of 10 days to move from one level to another

Will the mask be compulsory at the start of the school year?

The wearing of the mask must be done “in alignment with the general population”, specifies the Ministry of Education.
