Health care centers are closed – affecting 9,000 people

The decision to close the health centers, which are located in the districts of Kortedala and Gamlestaden, was made by the Västra Götaland region on Thursday.

The background is that the company that owns the health centers has debts of several million kroner, and is at risk of bankruptcy. The owner of the company was also charged in May with accounting offenses in the form of delayed annual reports.

— Ultimately, it’s a patient safety issue. We are now entering the holiday period and having a healthcare center with the threat of bankruptcy in July means a great risk for patients to find themselves in a bind, says My Alnebratt (S), chairman of the region’s operational health care board, to Göteborgs-Posten.

The patients who are affected will now be redistributed to other care centers nearby.

The owner of the health center tells the GP that he will contest the decision.

— All inspections carried out by the VG region have shown that we provide safe care. There is no reason to cancel the agreement, I believe, he tells the newspaper.
