Health, AI to the rescue of the feet

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(Finance) – Artificial intelligence to the rescue of your feet: has now become a reality in Campania personalization of the surgical intervention to correct hallux valgus with algorithms that guide the surgeon towards extremely precise osteotomies (bone cuts) to eliminate the deformity. There hallux valgus correction, one of the most common foot deformities which affects up to 23% of adults, is therefore about to undergo a radical transformation thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence with minimally invasive percutaneous surgery. An innovation that not only promises to improve surgical results, but also to increase patient satisfaction, becoming a concrete reality in the contemporary medical landscape.

Today, thanks to the support of artificial intelligence, the surgeon is guided with millimetric precision, speed and cleanliness in surgical gestures for the correction of the deformity. We are faced with the “personalization of the intervention”. It is no longer the surgical technique that is applied indiscriminately on the patient, but the algorithm created by AI that guides the technique in relation to the severity, the type of deformity, the structure and type of the foot and the quality of the bone.

AI, in fact, excels in the phase of preoperative planning, allowing you to simulate various surgical scenarios starting from virtual models. A real change in the world of minimally invasive foot surgery aimed at achieving an increasingly personalized medicine model.

A study group coordinated by the team of Fabio Zanchini, professor of Orthopedics at the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ and by the team of doctor Fabrizio Sergio, head of the foot surgery department of the Minerva clinic in Santa Maria Capua Vetere assisted by doctor Attilio Sgambato, head of the Orthopedics department of the Athena Clinic in Piedimonte Matese, as well as teachers in the training network of the Orthopedics Specialization of the Vanvitelli University, have studied and developed the application of AI for the treatment of Hallux Valgus and other foot pathologies, calling it Technique MISAIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery with AI Support).
