Healing, not fruit: Reduces cholesterol, prevents Alzheimer’s and cancer!

Healing not fruit Reduces cholesterol prevents Alzheimers and cancer

Improvement of intestinal health, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and some cancer With a large number of benefits, including the reduction of the risk appleAlthough it is known as winter fruit, you can see it on the stalls for four seasons. He is surprised to learn the benefits of apple, which is a source of vitamin C.

Reduces high cholesterol and blood pressure

Studies associated apple consumption with a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease, which may be associated with the soluble fiber’s cholesterol -lowering benefits in apples. The soluble fiber helps prevent cholesterol accumulation in the primer of the blood vessel walls. This is very good for your heart health. In the studies, both LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglyceride levels of people who eat two apples per day have decreased.

Regulates the digestive system

One of the biggest benefits of the soluble fiber, which is abundant in the content of the apple, is to regulate the digestive system. Soluble fiber makes you feel full by slowing down digestion and also slows down the digestion of glucose, which helps you control your blood sugar. The apple’s shell contains any other useful non -soluble fibers. The insoluble fiber is very good for constipation. If you are constipated, you should eat the apple with its shell.

Supports the immune system

Apples are one of the most important fruits that support immunity. It is filled with antioxidants and vitamin C, which strengthens immunity.


Diabetes is a friendly

If you have type 2 diabetes, consider adding apples to your diet. Of course, they are a fruit, but it is a common error that people with diabetes cannot eat fruit. In this case, Mayo Clinic says the apple -soluble fiber can help slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and improve blood sugar levels. Plus, per swimwear, a healthy diet with soluble fiber can reduce your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes in the first place.

Prevents cancer

Although there is no definite way to prevent cancer, apples may play a role in the fight against these diseases. Studies suggest that they can reduce the risk of cancer, which they think is related to antioxidants in apples. Past research has shown that apple is high in antioxidant and laboratory studies limited the growth of cancer cells of these antioxidants.

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Can prevent Alzheimer’s disease

The studies have proven to be effective against flavonoids in the apple, Alzheimer’s disease and the types of dementia. In another study, Quercetin, a flavonoid in apples, found neurons from oxidative damage and contained other anti -Alzheimer’s disease.

Keeps the intestines healthy

Apples contain a type of starch called prebiotic pectin. According to Cleveland Clinic, prebiotics are important because they help feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines; It also strengthens the immune function, stimulates hormone production and helps your body absorb certain minerals (such as calcium and phosphorus).
