In Palworld it can happen that your Pals get sick and become depressed, for example. In this guide we will explain to you how you can cheer up and heal your Pals again.
Here’s how to tell if your pal is depressed: As soon as you enter your camp, camp information will appear on the right side of the screen. This shows you how many Pals are currently in your camp, how many beds you have and how your Pals are doing. If your Pal is affected by an illness, you will find this information as a colored box directly under your Pal.
For example, in our screenshot you can see that one of the Pals is overeating. If your pal were depressed, it would say “depressed” instead of “overeating”.
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Pals can have different illnesses
What diseases can Pals have? In addition to depression, Pals can have a number of illnesses. Some of these illnesses can be solved by giving the Pals something to eat. Those would be the following:
Do you still have enough food for your Pals, but they are still hungry? Currently it can still happen that your Pals are stuck in one place and are not able to get to the food. You can easily solve this by briefly taking your Pals out of the storage and putting them back in.
However, there are also some diseases that require healing or can be solved more easily through healing. These diseases are the following:
This is how you heal your Pals in Palworld: If one of your Pals is sick, they need medicine. There are three levels of medicine in total:
The easiest way to give medicine to your pal is to briefly pack it from your storage into your team and then access your inventory. With a right click you can then select the medicine you need and give it to your affected pal.
Important: The medicine does not increase your pal’s HP. To do this, it must rest and be an inactive member of your team.
However, if your pal is not only injured but also unable to fight, even medicine cannot help you at first. To revive your Pal, you must put him in your storage box, where he will need 10 minutes to regenerate. Another, much faster option is to put your Pal in your storage. The other Pals then revive it.
How to get medicine in Palworld? In order to make medicine, you need a Medieval Pharmacy Workbench. Although you can also find medicine in the open world, in the long run you should definitely craft a medieval pharmacy workbench. You unlock these at level 12 in the technology tree. To build this you need:
You can now create weak medicine, medicine and strong medicine at your pharmacy workbench. You can also make two potions: the dubious juice, which improves your pal’s mood and increases the work speed for a certain time, but also significantly reduces your GEI. The Strange Juice does the same thing, but in a more powerful form.
You can now produce different types of medicine at your pharmacy workbench:
This is how you can prevent illnesses: You can also prevent your pals from getting sick. Although these cannot be completely avoided, it will save you from a warehouse collapse. It is important that there are always enough beds available for your Pals. If you are able to upgrade your beds, you should do so. The same goes for building a hot spring.
Additionally, it is advisable to keep an eye on your Pals’ GEI bar. Create berry gardens and automate them if possible so your Pals always have access to food.
You can read about which Pal you should definitely get for your warehouse in order to receive free Pal Spheres in this article:
Palworld: A Pal gives you free Pal Orbs and Arrows if you have it in your camp
Editor’s note: Due to helpful feedback in the comments, we have subsequently updated the article.