Headlines: “Uber Files”, the opposition is sounding the charge against Emmanuel Macron

for the Elysee the Uber affair targeting Emmanuel Macron is

First scandal of Macron’s five-year term ” as denounced by the National Rally, or simple action of a minister in accordance with his liberal line? This is the question that arises The Parisian this Tuesday morning, after the publication Sunday evening of thousands of internal documents at Uber. An investigation which concludes the existence of a secret agreement between the American company of VTC and Emmanuel Macron then Minister of the Economy.

These revelations provoked outrage on both sides of the Assembly, described The Parisian :“ The four groups of the Nupes have announced that they will table a motion for a resolution, aimed at creating a parliamentary commission of inquiry “. LFI deputy Alexis Corbière describes Emmanuel Macron as ” private lobbyist “. As for the president of the RN group, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, he believes that Emmanuel Macron has ” not defend the interests of France but foreign economic interests “.

For the Élysée, there is no business

The executive considers that the current president was in his role as Minister of the Economy. The Parisian reports the words of an adviser to the executive: Emmanuel Macron’s position has been to ensure that energies are released so that this benefits consumers, growth and employment. There, we had an activity that generated all that. He didn’t just do it for VTCs, but also for notaries and cars… Adviser who adds: “ we try to mystify a story that doesn’t have to be “.

This is of course not the opinion of Philippe Martinez. The secretary general of the CGT denounces in the columns of Humanity a case that discredits political action. This kind of shenanigans, said Philippe Martinez, arouses anger and distrust among citizens. We need a parliamentary inquiry “.

The advance of Russian forces in the Donbass

The exhausted army in Ukraine », title The cross. After the capture of the Luhansk region by the Russians, the Ukrainian army is preparing for a new assault in the Donetsk region. The newspaper’s special correspondent went to a medical unit whose role is to pick up the wounded and stabilize them. Anatoly, the head of the unit, says: ” Gunshot wounds are rare, we only have bruises, shrapnel wounds, head injuries with or without fracture… Sometimes, we only have a head, a hand or a piece of torso to pick up “.

In eastern Ukraine, on the Siversk front, one of the Ukrainian fighters sighs: For every shell we fire, they fire ten. We need the West to send us more artillery and tanks “. Mikolaï, another soldier, pulls his smartphone out of his pocket and shows a video filmed at the beginning of July: The Russians fired 480 rockets in 2.5 minutes “. On his phone screen, smoke engulfed the horizon. In such conditions, it is the trenches that allow, more than anything else, to escape death.

On the Donbass front line, small farmers resist

Le Figaro takes us to meet small farmers on the road to Siversk. Alexei and his family are deeply attached to their plot of land and their animals… and the Russians won’t move them. Grain silos are likely to be a target. The cannon thunders in a steady rhythm. The 58-year-old cuts wood under a blazing sun. ” You have to work well he says.

Apart from the farm, Alexeï’s family owns only 20 hens, a cow, a calf and above all two plots of four hectares. Leakage is not considered. ” To go where ? the small farmers on the front line invariably reply. This land, received at the fall of the USSR, is the real treasure of the family.
