Headlines: two years ago in Lebanon, a huge explosion devastated the port of Beirut

Headlines two years ago in Lebanon a huge explosion devastated

On August 4, 2020, the explosion sounded in a warehouse housing hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate stored without precautions. Result: more than 200 dead and 6,500 injured. How could such a disaster take place? Even today, hard to say. Le Figaro speaks of a suppressed truth “. The investigation has been stalled for seven months. Release takes stock of the situation: The first judge in charge of the case was never even able to question the Prime Minister and the three former ministers whom he had summoned. He ended up being fired. The investigation continued by a second magistrate was interrupted several times before being suspended since the end of December 2021, following political interventions “.

Interviewed in the pages of Figarothe director of the NGO Legal Agenda believes that ” power plays the clock and bets on the weariness of a population subjected to an exhausting economic and social crisis “. The question now arises of the use of an international investigation to get things moving. All the more so, one can also read in the daily newspaper, that ” according to specialists, this trauma could have been partly reabsorbed if the truth about the circumstances of the tragedy had been established and justice done “.

Photos of the collapsed grain silos at the port

Like a repeating nightmare ” for Humanitywhich focuses on the current situation in the country, “ the Lebanese pound lost more than 90 % of its value “. And the future is bleak for the president of Lebanese People’s Aid who predicts: ” after the systematic looting, endemic corruption, theft of citizens’ deposits and savings, the terrible explosion in Beirut on August 4, 2020, the country becomes open to all possibilities, including the possibility of a civil war, which has been tried, even on a small scale, and which can be used by all parties with the displaced Syrians and the Palestinian refugees as an escape from the current situation “.

New episode of drought in France

It’s never burned so much “, title Today in France, which counts: 47,000 hectares have already gone up in smoke this summer, a record according to the European Atmospheric Observatory, Copernicus, created in 2000. And the summer is not over. A senatorial report estimates that the burned areas could increase by 80% by 2050 in the Mediterranean departments. One of the authors of this report, interviewed in the columns of the newspaper, calls on the State to invest more to avoid this, more professional firefighters and resources are needed for them, for example. We must also act upstream and rethink forest management, according to one of the four co-rapporteurs quoted by The world.

Another effect of drought is the lack of water. As in Gérardmer, in the Vosges, where a journalist from Release. Since yesterday, the water flowing from the taps has been pumped into the town’s lake because the levels of the water table and the spring which feeds the town are too low. This lake water needs to be tested. In the meantime, the inhabitants are instructed to boil it before drinking it. ” It feels a bit like another century “says a vacationer. Tourists who also weigh on the water consumption of Gérardmer, which sees its population triple during the summer. Result: tensions and gutted jacuzzis.

D-4 before the holidays for ministers

Le Figaro don’t hesitate to show us the map of France of their holiday resorts. In the south-east this summer, we can for example come across Gérald Darmanin, Éric Dupond-Moretti or Élisabeth Borne.

Release is also interested in the five women who hold key positions in government and parliament. Namely Elisabeth Borne, but also Yaël Braun-Pivet, Aurore Bergé, Marine Le Pen and Mathilde Panot. This last ” denounces the fact that women who dare to express themselves in the hemicycle are easily qualified as hysterical “. Sexism and harassment at the Palais Bourbon as on social networks are still relevant.

The end of red stamp

Since last month, it has been replaced by a digital version, online. The subject may seem minor, but it is not according to Humanity. The unions are worried about new job cuts, others denounce the digital divide which is likely to worsen further.
