Headlines: the French presidential election invites itself to the European Parliament

Headlines the French presidential election invites itself to the European

Emmanuel Macron delivered yesterday, Wednesday, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg the inaugural speech of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

In his speech to MEPs, ” the President of the Republic has multiplied the announcements supposed to rebuild Europe. But, raise Le Figaro, less than three months before the presidential election, it has above all insisted on those which have a French resonance: on the right to abortion, the climate and the environment, the reform of the Schengen agreements, the redefinition of the right asylum, aid to Africa… There was something for the electorate of each – or almost – of his future competitors in April. Macron’s European bet is therefore also based on still points to Le Figaro, on the very opportunistic ‘at the same time’. »

It’s true, notice Release, “ Emmanuel Macron wanted to make this speech a crucial moment in his presidential pre-campaign. »

But his opponents have also rushed into the breach: “ as with each visit of a Head of State or government of the EU, the MEPs could debate with him. And given the list of registrants, there was no doubt that a scene from the French presidential campaign would be played out in this arena. Much to the chagrin of other MEPs… »

Electoral stepping stone…

In fact, observe The Latest News from Alsace, helpless, oscillating between disappointment and annoyance, parliamentarians saw the European debate being swallowed up by Franco-French politics following the attacks on Emmanuel Macron by Yannick Jadot (EELV), Jordan Bardella (RN) Manon Aubry (LFI) and François- Xavier Bellamy (LR). Both sides deliberately left the European field to hope to steal the light from a presidential candidate in the pre-campaign. Transformed into an electoral stepping stone, the sequence reinforced France’s cocky image (…). The choice to turn one’s back on the European plan, if only for a few moments, and out of pure political opportunism, is not without danger, estimates the Alsatian daily, at a time when Russia, China, and illiberal democracies are just waiting for Europe to rot from within. »

Real issues

Nevertheless, “ past the first hour, a whole different debate took place », notes West France. On the real issues, this time. Threats to the rule of law, which persist in some countries and which, by force, weaken our own legal order. The heavy breath of Russia on the eastern flanks of the European Union, with a risk of deep destabilization of Ukraine. The ecological transition and its implications in terms of energy choices, budgetary choices and private investments, the subject of lively debate on the place of nuclear power and gas. The migration issue and the dilemma between the strong demand for orderly management of flows and the fear of seeing the old continent stand up as a fortress against the weakest. »

The death of the child prodigy of French cinema Gaspard Ulliel

Also on the front page, the accidental death of French comedian Gaspard Ulliel, at the age of 37… His angel face is on the front page of many national dailies this morning. “ The weather was very nice on Tuesday afternoon on the ski slopes of Isère and Savoie, relates The Parisian. Big blue, big white, a softness to ski even when it’s too hot. And death around a bend. The catastrophic collision where no skier ever expects it, on a blue run, so easy, where you can imagine nothing but relaxing, releasing the pressure (…). Fatal accident therefore for Gaspard Ulliel.

The angel passes », sighs Release. ” Noticed inThe Lost of Téchiné, scoring in theSaint Laurent’ by Bonello, the actor was loved by filmmakers and surprised by his boundless curiosity. »

Gaspard Ulliel, the tragic end of a secret actor », notes Le Figaro. “ He wanted to write and direct his own films. He liked jazz. He was the father of a little boy, Orso (6 years old) (…). Dozens of roles awaited him. His charisma, his talent will be missed in French cinema. »
