Headlines: pensions make macronie unscrew, Marine Le Pen takes advantage of it

Headlines pensions make macronie unscrew Marine Le Pen takes advantage

According to an Ifop poll for The Sunday Journal, with 32% of French people satisfied with the action of the French president, Emmanuel Macron’s popularity rating lost two points in February to reach its lowest level in three years. This indicator of Emmanuel Macron’s good opinion has thus fallen by a total of six points since the start of the school year in September and the start of his pension project.

As for that of Renaissance, the presidential party, it is ” on the slide with only 28% of good opinions “, point The JDD (this is 15 points less than the popularity rating of the previous macronist formation, La République en Marche, in the fall of 2017)!

And, indeed, this survey indicates that, for 46% of French people, Marine Le Pen best embodies the opposition to pension reform, against 43% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. As observed The Sunday Journal in light of this survey, the National Rally is in the lead » from the ranking of « good opinion that the French have of political formations “.

Ukraine, the French are worried

The war in Ukraine, one year later. And the conviction of Emmanuel Macron: ” it won’t end militarily “. In a joint interview with Sunday newspaper and at Figaroas well as on the radio France InterEmmanuel Macron says he wants “ the defeat of Russia, while warning those who want to first crush Russia “, which will not be ” Never ” there ” position of France “.

In the meantime, the French are worried. According to an Opinionway survey for The Parisian Sunday, 77% of French people fear a world conflict, 80% fear the financial consequences of this war for themselves, and 9 out of 10 French people fear its economic consequences. And if 72% of them support economic sanctions against Russia, and 2 out of 3 arms deliveries to Ukraine, 62% of French people think that this conflict will end with a negotiation, still indicates The Parisian Sunday.

War in Ukraine? She is on the front page of The Obsof The Expressfrom the magazine Point or even of Polka. On its front page, Point wonders if the worst is coming “. On that of The Obs, a Ukrainian soldier, shovel in hand, digs an already deep trench, his nose in the air, scrutinizing the danger that could fall from the sky. ” Ukraine must win “, launches that of The Expresson the design of a raised fist.

In this magazine, the American writer Jonathan Littell says that “ World War III is already here, whether we like it or not “. According to the Prix Goncourt 2006 and Grand Prix du roman de l’Académie française, the same year, for The benevolent all European states are involved. Many African countries are infiltrated by Wagner (…) The only solution is to win this war (…) we cannot continue to live with an aggressive cancer right next to Europe, which continues to metastasize “says Jonathan Littell in The Express.

Palmade, the fall

Pierre Palmade on the front page of the magazine press this week. The comedian would have done well, because it was a dramatic road accident that he caused, while he had consumed cocaine, which earned him this sensational media coverage.

And this morning, The Sunday Journal points out that in 2021, the comedian and one of his passengers had previously been involved in a narcotics case “. The JDD reveals that “ one week before the accident “, one of the two passengers in the car driven by Pierre Palmade had been sentenced by a court to “ a twelve-month prison sentence in a drug trafficking case. Sambou is the first name of this 34-year-old individual The JDD presents as ” one of the comedian’s escort boys “, aged, him, 54 years old, “ was also prohibited from contacting Pierre Palmade », signals The Sunday Journal.

In this weeklythe minister of the Interior ” proposes the withdrawal of the twelve points of the driving license for anyone who drives while using drugs “. Gérald Darmanin also wants to rename fatal accidents involving drugs and alcohol as “road homicides”.

Paris Matchfinally, says “ the crash by Pierre Palmade, and points out that he spent 5,000 euros a week on the purchase of drugs. A real descent into hell.
