Headlines: nothing is decided four days before the legislative elections

applications off the beaten track

Who will get the best score next Sunday? ” Neck and neck in voting intentions, notice Le Monde, the presidential majority and Nupes, the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, are leading the race in a context of very strong abstention. »

According to a survey published by the evening daily, ” the voting intentions in favor of the Nupes candidates amount to 27.5%. Candidates from the presidential majority collect 28% of voting intentions. Finally, if we add the estimated scores of the far-right candidates, we arrive at a total of 25.5%. These three families therefore represent more than 80% of the voting intentions. »

Another lesson from this survey: with a participation index of between 44 and 48%, the June 12 election seems to be heading for a record abstention. »

The threat of an abstention record “, title The union. Abstention is bad for democratic health, highlights the Reims daily, and harmful also for the candidates. Announced massive in the first round, it could cause a slaughter among the contenders and benefit the majority, except when it leaves divided. »

Two possibilities: the majority for the presidential camp or not…

For political scientist Jérôme Jaffré, interviewed by Le Figaro,The game is very open. The president can obtain an absolute majority (289 deputies), which would allow him to apply his program. However, public opinion is already very critical of the executive power, be it Emmanuel Macron or Élisabeth Borne. This unpopularity of power from the re-election of the president is a totally new fact in a post-presidential period. The idea that prevails in public opinion, points out the political scientist, is not to support the Head of State, but rather to strengthen the various oppositions to the Assembly to force him to come to terms with them. »

Moreover, continues Jérôme Jaffré, “ the French are a majority not to want Jean-Luc Mélenchon at Matignon. The fear of the victory of the Insoumis can therefore be the spring of a jump in favor of the Together candidates, especially in the second round. Two possibilities then seem the most likely. Either the Macronist candidates obtain the majority, or no coalition obtains it, which would be almost a first since 1962 “.

For or against Mélenchon?

In any case, for or against Mélenchon: the debate is raging in the newspapers… “ Taxes, expenses… the worrying project of Mélenchon “, title Le Figaro on the front page. For the right-wing daily, “ the measures of the Nupes would lead to an explosion of debt, taxation and deficits, and would cause an economic slowdown which would affect the most fragile French people “.

In short, strike Le Figarowith Mélenchon and “ its museum of economic horrors “, we would go ” Straight into the wall “.

No, exclaims for his part Humanity. All of this is false. Humanity who denounces, says the newspaper, “ the lies about the Nupes “: ” Macronie, big business and the liberal institutes promise a financial disaster in the event of a victory for the left in the legislative elections, even if it means creating dangers by talking nonsense “says the communist daily.

More thermal cars in 2035?

Also on the front page, the scheduled end of fossil-fuel cars…” Gasoline, diesel, hybrid: hitchhiking “, spear Release on the front page. Indeed, says the newspaper, the european parliament is preparing to vote on Wednesday to ban the sale of thermal vehicles in 2035. A revolution for the automotive industry, which is struggling to anticipate this shift “.

Comment by Freed : “ it is the car that will have to adapt to the city and the planet, or at least that is what the most progressive European countries want. If Germany is finally in favor of an alignment with the European Commission, the countries whose car manufacturers are the least prepared for the big electric shift remain very silent for the moment on their intention to vote – Spain, the Italy, and France of course, where the lobbies have not said their last word “.

Still, the electric car is not a panacea… “ Many issues still need to be resolved to meet future needs “, recognize Release.Raw materials, charging stations, management of used batteries… The sector still faces many challenges “.
