Headlines: most French newspapers have their eyes on Ukraine

While kyiv and Moscow confirmed at the end of the day on May 1 the evacuation of a hundred people from Mariupol, the newspaper The world is interested in survivors of this same martyred city who arrived in Estonia and who tell of having previously passed through camps. Especially in Togliatti, Russia.

If the first group of men describe this as a free option given to them by some rather friendly soldiers and feel that ” it went well “During the three weeks in this camp, another claims to be in contact with one of his former neighbors who is still there and for him” it looks like forced labor. According to what he says, there is no custody, but his documents have been taken from him, so he cannot leave. “.

A few pages later, a series of photos, in the Donbass this time. We see an elderly woman who fled the fighting, gray scarf on her hair, she wipes a tear on her face. Another photo shows elderly people there too, lying in a van to be evacuated. An image that resonates strangely with the one below, two bodies in coffins of which only the white and gray hair can be seen.

In his editorial, Release details: “ Our special correspondent was able to witness the ferocity of the fighting and the tenacity of the Ukrainian defenders, well aware that from minute to minute, from bombardment to bombardment and from death to death, their defeat seems inevitable.e. Only the Ukrainians will have to decide whether to hand over their arms to Donbass or continue to resist “.

The armament in question precisely in the pages of the Parisian/Today in France who wonders about the risks of ” start world war 3 by delivering arms to Ukraine. ” Funding, equipping or training armed forces is not enough to draw a State into an armed conflict. “, tempers a researcher at Inserm.

For its part, The cross emphasizes the importance of documenting the horror hoping to judge war crimes “.

French politics also in the headlines: we learned overnight that an agreement had been reached between Europe Ecology Les Verts and La France Insoumise with a view to the legislative elections.

This union was a to have to » for the newspaper Humanity which makes its front page and which develops: The left can no longer be divided to let Macron reign better (…) Everyone considers that the left has a historical window in front of it. “.

Opinion see it rather an inexorable submission of the left to Mélenchon » while in his editorial Le Figaro criticizes the attitude of the leader of LFI on May 1: ” Inhabited by the morale of a winner, the third man in the presidential election refuses nothing: not even to divert the traditional trade union May Day into a political meeting. »

Discussions, as we know, are continuing with the Socialist Party and the Communist Party. And Le Parisien/Today in France already diagnosed the end of PS “, while wondering about the causes:” Is this decline due to the lack of work by the party apparatus in the face of the vision centered on the ecological battle defended by the Greens and the disruptive program of the Insoumis? Did the machine, losing momentum, seize up under the pressure of opposing currents, some from the center left, others more radical, before being weakened by the rallying to Emmanuel Macron (..)? »

Another disappearance, that of a figure of Parisian nights: Régine

Singer and actress, who then became a businesswoman in the world of the night, she died yesterday, she was 92 years old.

An eclipse of feathers » summarizes with poetry Release front page, below a photo portrait of the diva, boa around her neck. We find her a few pages later under a shower of confetti. ” Frenchie sleeping beauty by day; boys, feathers and rhinestones at nightfall she was the queen. So ” Gouaille Save The Queen implores the newspaper.

A string of puns in the press this morning: “ the arena of the night is in mourning ” for Humanity.

Le Parisien/Today in France looks back on his journey, from his birth in Belgium to Polish Jewish parents, his neglected childhood, his arrival in Paris and then finally success. The newspaper concludes: Régine was more than the queen of the night, she was the queen of life “.

