Headlines: it’s back to school!

Headlines its back to school

It’s back-to-school time!exclaims The Republican East.

Back to the classroom », notes The Courrier Picard.

School children return to class “, adds Champagne release.

The big day ! “, spear The union.

” “So fun, it’s back to school time“: why students are eager to return to school “, explain to us The Parisian.

Contrary to popular belief, many schoolchildren are happy to return to class, says the newspaper. The opportunity to find friends, teachers and also sometimes, the promise of the “beginning of life as a grown-up”. »

Student stress…

Still, there is apprehension… all the same. “ Back to school: students put to the test of stress », title for its part The world. ” According to a survey by the Synlab association of a thousand teachers, nearly a third of middle and high school students show signs of stress or anxiety in their speech and words, according to their teachers. . (…) In schools and educational establishments, the observation is clear: the health crisis has indeed caused adolescents to fall into ill-being. »

But the functioning of the school in itself is also “ discomfort generator ”, still raises The world : absent non-replaced teachers, the lack of school nurses, cases of harassment in college, permanent pressure in high school with the introduction of continuous monitoring, the anxiety of having made the right choice on Parcoursup…

… and the teachers’ blues!

There is also the malaise of the teachers… This is what points out Le Figaro. ” In this start of the 2022 school year, marked by the recruitment crisis and the assumed use of contract staff, the teachers seem jaded. More than 76% of them believe that Minister Pap Ndiaye will not be able to restore their confidence in the institution, according to a survey conducted by the SE-Unsa union. »

Moreover, continues Le Figarofirst union of colleges and high schools, the Snes already indicates that it is calling for a strike on September 29 for the interprofessional day on wages. Upgrading is the number one goal, he says, at all career levels and without consideration. If Pap Ndiaye wants to be able to rise to the challenges of Education, he will have to be the minister of actions, of concrete decisions.warns the union. Butwonders Le Figaro, what will be the minister’s room for manoeuvre? »

School doors open to an uncertain future », sighs for his part Humanity. The communist daily points out the lack of teachers: “ more than 4,000 positions out of 27,300 planned have not been filled this year. “So, the solution: contract workers… And the situation should get worse, warns The Human : “ to simply compensate for retirements, it will be necessary to hire 329,000 teachers by 2030, in other words, tomorrow. »

How to tackle climate change?

And then another subject of concern in this new school year, for students and teachers alike: the climate crisis…

These are concerns that the students would have preferred not to bring back in their schoolbags, point Release. Fires, drought, deadly storms… the postcard is blackened, the urgency of climate change is there, before their eyes. Diane Granoux, a history-geography teacher in Bagnolet, near Paris, notes the rise of an “eco-powerlessness” in her ranks: “what strikes me, she says, is their pessimism. Pupils often say: Anyway, there is nothing to do”. A resignation difficult to manage, relief Release. So she takes the time, listens, puts things into perspective without having ready-made answers, solutions. (…) In June, remember Release, Pap Ndiaye had announced “to seize the Higher Council of the programs, so that the various disciplines integrate in a much more substantial way the themes related to global warming and the environment”. Contacted, the ministry specifies that the mail will be sent “in the days to come”. »

We are still far from Italy, take note Releasewho ” is an example, having announced in 2019 the integration of the study of global warming and environmental issues into the common core from primary to high school. »
