Headlines: in Algeria, Macron comes for gas

Headlines in Algeria Macron comes for gas

This is the second visit of the French president to Algeria (and who knows, maybe the second, nuance…) but make no mistake, if there is – as always – a question of memorial business , what really matters for Emmanuel Macron is ” energy supply from France and the situation in the Sahel “, hammers in One Release.

This second visit therefore marks the return to realpolitik for Macron “, assures this daily. And in these times – those of the war in Ukraine and its consequences – the natural resources of Algeria are highly sought after. “ Its gas is now coveted by Europeans, deprived of their Russian supplier “, highlighted Freed.

Gas, therefore, but not only… In the Sahel, “ Macron also needs help from Algeria “, completes this newspaper.

The memory in the skin

But a visit by a French president to Algeria is not without memorial gestures. Emmanuel Macron thus announced the creation of a commission of French and Algerian historians on memory. On the program this morning, a ceremony of tribute to the dead for France, at the cemetery of Saint-Eugene.

What do the Algerians think of it? On the spot, Le Figaro garnered comments where fatalism and defiance mingle “. Thus, a tobacconist met in Algiers assures this daily ” expect nothing from the French president who has, he said to the Figaro doubted “the existence of Algeria as a nation” before 1830 “, which is, according to him, “ unforgivable “. Conversely, this downtown bookseller sees this presidential visit as a “ great opportunity » to dissipate « misunderstandings » and to build a « best relationship between France and Algeria.

Algerian youth, too, do not seem to expect anything from this visit. This is what a young man named Ramzi says, crossed in a cafe by the special correspondent of the newspaper The Parisian and that ” is annoyed by believing that Macron gives “legitimacy” to power » Algerian. Another Algerian crossed by this daily, Azzedine wonders. ” Why does Macron come to see us? Because the floodgates of Russia are closed. But it came too late! Italy took it all “, he says, adding:” We are looking for partners, a relationship of equals “.

Deceased Accused, Rise!

Towards the trial of three French jihadists who may already be dead, and therefore in front of a totally empty accused box. Rachid Kassim, his wife Justine Taquard and Mohammed Ghellab, their friend from Roanne, in south-central France, may have perished in a bombing in Mosul, Iraq. All three members or ex-members of the Islamic State, therefore, ” were indicted, by an order issued on August 4, before the Special Assize Court of Paris where the trio will be judged by default for criminal terrorist association, signal The Parisian. This newspaper specifies that Kassim is in addition prosecuted for the filmed assassination of a hostage and death threats against (our colleague) David Thomson and the director of the Center for Terrorism Analysis, Jean-Charles Brisard », complete The Parisian.

The Phantom Menace

Precisely, the terrorist threat persists. This is the cry of alarm of a goldsmith magistrate in the matter. David De Pas, it’s about him, says it to the Figaro. Anti-terrorism investigating judge and coordinator of the anti-terrorism center of the Paris judicial court, this magistrate leaves the functions he has held since 2019, and draws up an inventory. According to him, the Islamic State remains in capacity “to maintain” a high level of threat “. And David De Pas fears that this terrorist organization “ geographically reorients its activity by looking for other “lands of jihad”, such as Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan or the Sahel “.
