Headlines: faced with the mobilization against the pension reform, “the Stall” for Emmanuel Macron

Headlines faced with the mobilization against the pension reform the

This is what announces Release after a Thursday which brought together between 575,000 and nearly 2 million people. Be that as it may, says the daily, poll ViaVoice supporting, ” Macron’s image is on the street after three months of mobilization. Some 65% of those polled have a negative view of the president. ” A worrying development [du] head of state “, according to the newspaper, which points out that 60% of those polled also find its management ” ‘more authoritarian’ than during his last term “. And to propose the following diagnosis: the President of the Republic pays cash for his management of the pension crisis, the absence of dialogue with the unions (…) [et] the use of course of 49.3 “.

Today in Francemore nuanced, believes that the government is still groping, that it ” find the right tone “… with this admission from Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne: “ obviously that raises questions, when some of the French demonstrate and say that this reform is unfair. “But the government” remains inflexible on the merits ”recalls the publication, at the risk of angering its own flock, between on the one hand provocative public outings (“ we said we had to calm things down! there’s no point adding more annoyed on this subject a pundit of the majority quoted by the newspaper) and on the other the ” firmness brandished by Gérald Darmanin “, the Minister of the Interior, who ” supporters account but also tends to’ tends[re] and split[r]’ “.

Gérald Darmanin who ” ignite the left ” according Le Figaro

In the line of fire: his remarks on the League of Human Rights. After the intervention of the police in Sainte-Soline, this historic organization denounced ” excessive and indiscriminate use of force. Reaction from Gérald Darmanin: questions about the subsidies paid to the LDH. And Le Figaro to quote ” the left-wing political class ” Who ” berates », « critical ” And ” outbids ” on the subject. And the newspaper to take up the words of a senior official who remained anonymous, who observes him ” a slow deviation from the original missions of the LDH. »

In fact, nothing new under the sun for Release

The newspaper recalls that Darmanin’s crusade against the LDH is not new. “Even if, underlines Freedpolitical attacks on the LDH are “ extremely rare » and rather fall under « far-right politicians “, the Minister of the Interior had already adopted this fight in 2015, when he was a young elected official from Tourcoing, in the North. Freed repeats the chronology: after welcoming the maintenance of municipal subsidies for the LDH (” 250 euros for the year “, mocks the newspaper, Gérald Darmanin “ announced that it finally wanted to sweeten the [somme] in city council ” For ” to prevent » that it be donated to the collective Roma citizens and solidarity. And the newspaper concludes with irony: “ the opposition of the current Minister of the Interior to the LDH comes from as far as his thwarted relationship with the truth. »

For Le Figaro Again, “It is not a democratic crisis that is hitting France “, but good ” a much deeper evil. Finally, recent events have been, for the newspaper, ” that the trigger for a collective mistrust“which had been bubbling for a long time.

Political crisis also in Israel

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu borders on it “ civil war. The words are strong; these are those of World who says ” risk[r] a hypothesis ” : and if ” Binyamin Netanyahu’s government [était] incompatible with the pursuit of Arab-Israeli normalization »? An evolution that began in 2020 and which, according to the newspaper, requires if not an opening, at least a way of restraint in the territories [palestiniens] busy “. gold, tip The worldrestraint is not the hallmark…of the majority of Netanyahu’s government. nor ” supporters of accelerated colonization [qui] grow wings “. Going so far as to embarrass Washington where, the daily recalls, ” in the short term, Joe Biden does not plan to receive the head of the Israeli government. »

And, as evidenced The crossthe religious calendar makes (…) fear the worst “. The Catholic newspaper points out that “ the Jewish holiday of Passover, which coincides with the Easter weekend for Christians, comes in the middle of the month of Ramadan “. Incidents took place this week: rocket fire and intervention by the forceps of the Israeli order. Brief, The cross is pessimistic: a cycle of violence and reprisals begins “predicts the publication… before ending on a note of hope:” May Jerusalem deserve its nickname of ‘city of peace! »
