Headlines: everything increases…

Headlines everything increases…

Inflation, growth: France on alert », exclaim The echoes on the front page. ” Inflation reached 5.2% over one year in May, according to the provisional estimate published yesterday by INSEE. A new high since 1985 after a 4.8% price increase in April. (…) While it has been the major concern of the French for months, inflation therefore continues to rise, still driven by soaring energy prices (+28% over twelve months) fueled by the Ukrainian conflict. But now everything increases, note Les Echos: food prices jumped 4.2% and, this time, more than fresh products (+1.5%) it was other products that soared. Prices for services (+3.2%) and manufactured goods (+2.9%) are in turn caught in the whirlwind of increases. And since bad news never comes alone, growth is also at half mast. »

So, ” to preserve the wallet of the French, the executive promises new measures, reports the economic daily : the extension of the tariff shield on energy, a new device on the price of gasoline for large rollers, the tripling of the Macron bonus, the abolition of the audiovisual fee, a food check, the thawing of the point of index of civil servants or even the early revaluation of pensions and social minima to take account of inflation. »

Why ?

Why this return of inflation? The Parisian Explain : “ it reappeared with ‘whatever the cost’, in France and abroad. States, especially European ones, have put a lot of money on the table to avoid the collapse of their economies during confinements. At the end of last summer, Bruno Le Maire estimated the addition of ‘whatever the cost’ at 240 billion euros. A slate which came to inflate a little more our debt (more than 2800 billion euros). But, since there is no magic money, point Le Parisien, to pay for all this, it was necessary to find a solution which went through the headquarters of the ECB, the European Central Bank in Frankfurt. 26% of our staggering debt was lent to us by the ECB, which made the printing press work. In short, concludes Le Parisien, today’s inflation is, in a deferred form, the addition of + whatever the cost +. The crisis in Ukraine has only amplified the phenomenon with its share of bad news: tripling of the price of gas, explosion of that of raw materials, particularly agricultural, and soaring labels. »

And how far?

So, ” inflation: how far? », wonders The Telegram. Lapidary response from the economist François Ecalle, interviewed by the Breton daily: ” it is not known to what level the prices will increase. (…) The good news in this crisis, he continues, is that it will force us to accelerate the transition to non-carbon energies. In the same way as after the oil shock of 1973, we developed our nuclear fleet. These are structural responses, the problem of which is that they take a long time to implement. They come into contradiction with the expectations of the French, which are immediate. »

Stade de France: state lie?

Also on the front page, the Stade de France controversy, continued and probably not the end…

Gérald Darmanin on the front page of Release with an exaggeratedly long nose, à la Pinocchio…” The Minister of the Interior who persists rejected the responsibility for the clashes of Saturday evening on the English must explain himself today before the Senate (with his colleague from Sports). The figure of 30,000 to 40,000 English without a ticket or with fake hammered by the authorities to explain the debacle of Saturday are invalidated by the RATP and by observers. But Gérald Darmanin persists in his misleading communication. »

And Release to denounce a state lie » and to affirm that « it is time for the Minister of the Interior to abandon his fanciful explanations. »

So warn The crossGérald Darmanin and Amélie Oudéa-Castéra will have to be more precise this Wednesday, during their hearing in the Senate. The stake is important. It is not only a question of our country’s reputation as an organizer, but also of the credit of public speaking. Faced with what must be called a fiasco (while emphasizing the fortunate absence of serious injuries), there is only one possible response: transparency. »
