Headlines: Europe divided over Ukraine

Headlines Europe divided over Ukraine

What are the objectives in the war between Ukraine and Russia? The question is cutting Europe in two », notes The world. ” While the conflict has lasted for more than a hundred days, Emmanuel Macron’s recent little sentence on his concern ‘not to humiliate Russia’ with a view to negotiations that are still improbable, this little sentence has widened the gap between the two opposing camps. On the one hand, notice The world, the Baltic countries, Poland, without forgetting the United Kingdom, supporters of a continuation of the war in the prospect, even distant, of a Russian defeat. On the other, France, Germany and Italy, holding a more moderate line, anxious both to help Ukraine and to negotiate with Moscow in order to facilitate a ceasefire. »

Wheat as a weapon…

And in the meantime, Russia is continuing its military offensives to establish its domination, particularly in the province of Donbass… Russia, which also continues to wield “ wheat weapon “: this is the expression used by The cross. The cross who observes that “ the war in Ukraine is not just a European affair. Even if it takes place on our continent, it has repercussions all over the world. It disrupts many markets, particularly in the energy and agri-food sectors. The wheat trade, of which Russia and Ukraine are the first and fourth exporters, is strongly affected. Many countries in the Mediterranean basin and Africa depend on it, but also the UN agencies responsible for preventing famines. The failure of yesterday’s meeting between the Russian and Turkish foreign ministers is therefore bad news, relief The cross. (…) Russia obviously does not intend to loosen its grip, even if it means causing a rise in wheat prices which aggravates the situation in poor countries. It uses its own exports as a diplomatic weapon to convince many countries of the South not to support the front of Western countries. »

Where did the right go? »

Also on the front page, in France, what future for Les Républicains?

Three days before the first round of the legislative elections, ” the Republicans stake their survival “, point Le Figaro. ” The projections are hardly encouraging with an expected group of around fifty deputies when the party hopes for more than 80, against nearly 100 in the outgoing Assembly. »

But where did the right go? exclaims Le Figaro. ” After the rout, the stampede? “, laments the newspaper. ” Not content with collapsing in the first round of the presidential election, the classic right, during the legislative campaign, chose, like a hermit crab, to return to its shell, deplore Le Figaro. After the Macron surge, the Le Pen wave, the Zemmour foam, she is waiting for the Mélenchon tide to recede. Time is on its side, say its ‘strategists’, without seeing that voters will end up getting used to this absence. »

The Assembly’s center of gravity?

In what state will the right emerge from these legislative elections? », wonders in echo The Courrier Picard. ” The polls predict the election of around fifty deputies on June 19: a figure which does not however reflect the political weight that this small group of elected representatives could represent in the future assembly. »

In fact, consider The Courrier Picard if Emmanuel Macron does not obtain an absolute majority, he will have to deal with this right, as weakened as it may be, to get his laws passed. Even by losing two-thirds of its deputies, the right would then become the center of gravity of the National Assembly. »

And we come back to Figaro which confirms : “ in the event of an impossible absolute majority in the Assembly, the right would see itself as a pivotal group with which the power would have to count in order to reform. (…) The LRs exclude any ‘government contract’ but rather specific positions, over the texts to be voted on. Becoming the pivotal group would be an opportunity for LR to become a central player in the reforms. »

Trafficking in antiquities at the Louvre Abu Dhabi

Finally, this investigation of Release on antiquities trafficking at the Louvre Abu Dhabi: Release who ” consulted e-mails and police reports which point to the shortcomings of the AFM, the Agence France Museum, created by France to advise the Emirati museum, in particular during the acquisition of a stele and a sarcophagus at illicit source. ” For Liberation, the AFM is therefore directly linked to this traffic: “certain Egyptian coins having been acquired with false documents. »
