Headlines: Elisabeth Borne beats a retreat

Headlines Elisabeth Borne beats a retreat

On the eve of the start of the examination of her text by the National Assembly, the Prime Minister is letting go of ballast to please the right-wing party Les Républicains on the pension reform project in France. Through the press, the government agrees to accede to certain demands of the right. ” We will move “, assures, in One of the Sunday newspaperPrime Minister Elisabeth Borne.

Bearing in mind that the government only holds a relative majority in the National Assembly, the support of the Republican deputies is therefore essential if it is to hope to pass its reform, while the Nupes, the left alliance and the National Rally will oppose this project strongly decried by the French.

Among other last-minute concessions, Elisabeth Borne told the JDD to have ” heard “Republicans on dedicated measures” to those who started working between the ages of 20 and 21 », and who can « leave at 63 “. Referring to the amount of the minimum pension paid to retirees, the Prime Minister declared it to the Sunday newspaper : “ We took this idea. »

Refractory Gauls now in the majority, a first

The government is letting go? It must be said that the hostility of the French to the pension reform continues to increase. The latest in the polls which confirm this, that this morning of Ifop for The Sunday Journal. 69% of French people are still against this reform proposed by Emmanuel Macron (one point more than before the first inter-union day of mobilization and strikes against the said reform).

And The JDD points out, ” the part of the refractory, that is to say those who assert themselves “not at all favorable” to the reform, is now in the majority, since it goes from 42% to 50% in just one week “. A first, then. ” On the other hand, maintaining the retirement age at 62 is considered “realistic” by 64% of French people “, still points this weekly.

Retirement, battered women

Would this pension reform project in France be penalizing for women? Widely debated at the moment, in France, this question could not leave the press indifferent. And The Obs did the accounts. According to this weekly, it’s all seen, women are “ the disadvantaged of the reform “, he decides. Based on very official data from the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics, this magazine ensures that the accounts “ are rarely favorable to women. (Which) leave with pensions 40% lower on average in 2020 than those of men “. The Obs also remarks that ” women are also more likely to receive a minimum retirement pension, and leave later. The average effective retirement age is 62 years and 7 months for women, compared to 62 years for men “.

This weekly believes that, far from correcting these inequalities, the pension reform project presented by the government, which notably provides for the raising of the legal retirement age to 64, compared to 62 today […] could even make them worse. According to the impact study that accompanies the government project, women of the 1966 generation should work an average of seven months longer after the reform compared to five months for men. For the 1980 generation, we go from simple to double: eight additional months on average for women, four months for men “.

The weekly Point don’t write anything else. This magazine points to the ” great unease within the majority, which did not see the controversy coming at all “. And Point inventories the reasons that lead women to interrupt their career (lack of childcare, lack of structure for the elderly, forcing them to take care of one of their parents), to come to the conclusion that ” pension equality is not for tomorrow, not even for 2070 “.

ChatGPT, the cheat sheet for dummies

This futuristic panic on the front page this week, to conclude. That of a world on the threshold of a devastating economic and social upheaval that artificial intelligence could cause. To further dramatize this threat, The Obs quotes Vladimir Putin, when in 2017, the master of the Kremlin predicted in front of an audience of Russian students, that the leader in the field of artificial intelligence ” will become the master of the world “. And this weekly remarked that, “ if there is, at the moment, a single conviction shared by Moscow, Washington and Beijing, it is that artificial intelligence (AI) could reshuffle the cards of power “, remarks this newspaper.

In this domain, the robot called ChatGPT is the ogre. ” Already proscribed in American universities and tracked down in ours, banned in scientific publications, this robot has passed the Wharton MBA admission tests, to which (a) professor in this prestigious American university submitted it. ! Not everyone can say the same…
