Headline: Paris was not a party…

tensions in Paris around the Champions League final

Sad observation of Parisian…” A kick-off urgently postponed by more than 35 minutes. Images of congested supporters then sprayed with tear gas. Intruders who climb the gates to enter the stands without a ticket. The Champions League final between Liverpool and Real Madrid on Saturday evening at the Stade de France was supposed to be a party, but the images of Madrid’s new European title were tarnished by a pre-match where chaos reigned. »

So point again The Parisian,neither the French football federation nor UEFA, at the helm of the event, have indicated whether they intend to launch an investigation into the course of the evening, which the Liverpool club and the British government are demanding. But later, at 11 a.m., a meeting organized at the Ministry of Sports will bring together these two entities, as well as the consortium of the Stade de France, the police headquarters, that of Seine-Saint-Denis as well as the town hall of the city ​​of Saint Denis. Because this fiasco cannot do without a thorough examination, still believes the newspaper, while the enclosure must host matches of the 2023 Rugby World Cup and then the Paris Olympics in 2024. »

To assume !

For The Teamthe organizers must to assume “: ” the easy trial of supporters, which began on Saturday evening, should cause those who bring it to suffocate with shame, fulminates the UEFA sports daily, which attributes the delay in kick-off to the late arrival of the supporters, to the police headquarters, which points to supporters without a ticket and evokes a “reasonable use of tear gas”. The FFF has chosen silence. »

► To read also: After the clashes at the Stade de France, UEFA launches a joint audit with the police

However, raises The Teamall the first testimonies agree: the fiasco of the organization of the 67th final of the Champions League stems, above all, from serious errors in the management of the flow of supporters. (…) The crowd was exceptionally calm and patient, given the circumstances, there were no clashes between supporters, not a hint of hooliganism (…). »

Explosive Cocktail

It is indeed the French public authorities who bear the heaviest responsibility », insist The Latest News from Alsace.State services have remained stuck in outdated, archaic patterns. What explains the aberrant bottlenecks of Saturday and the paths (of supporters) who were mousetraps. Not to mention the immoderate and indiscriminate use of tear gas (…). This cocktail was explosive. He would have been even more so had it not been for the rather remarkable calm of the English. (…) France will recover from the humiliation suffered in mondovision, there were no deaths and that is the main thing, concludes the Alsatian daily. But it will not escape self-criticism and deep reflection on the subject. »

“We’re going for a walk…”

Red card exclaims The Free South. We are walked around pointing the finger at the British and their counterfeit notes when the reality is quite different: our system is neither effective nor serious nor reassuring. »

Is it possible, in our country, to envisage a big popular festival without it degenerating into clashes? exclaims Le Figaro. ” Even a dated event, in mondovision and which allows all anticipations does not escape this curse. Tens of millions of viewers discovered live the friability of the seventh world power. »

A round ball that drives you crazy?

Finally Free Charente sounds another story: it’s everyone’s fault… The organizers of course, but also and above all the supporters…

Foolish, excessively chauvinistic behavior, insults and binge drinking have become one of the facets of this love for football that drives people mad, says the Charente daily. Almost an exclusive. Most of the country’s major stadiums have experienced these moments of collective shame this year when supporterism becomes unbearable. To prove that sport can marry fervor and respect, concludes La Charente Libre, you had to follow the La Rochelle and Irish supporters to the great mass of European rugby in Marseille, just a few hours before things went crazy in Paris. »
