Headline: May 9 under the sign of nuclear war for the Kremlin

The specter of nuclear war has been raised in Moscow, which is preparing to celebrate, this Monday, May 9, the victory over Nazi Germany. ” Is a world war possible? asks the front page of The Express. This weekly recalls the televised debate seen on the public channel Rossiya 1 by millions of Russians on April 27, during which hilarious guests, with digital animations in support, talk about the time it would take for nuclear missiles to be launched from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad to reach European capitals. “ Berlin, 106 seconds! Paris, 200 seconds! London, 202 seconds! “, counts the presenter. “ Count the seconds, can you intercept it? Hi, he’s already here! », Then says a mocking guest. In an earlier broadcast, on state channels RT and Sputnik, a nuclear war had been referred to as “ the most likely scenario “.

Precisely, how can Russian President Vladimir Putin react to the development of the war in Ukraine? According to the front page of The Obsthe master of the Kremlin is “ cornered ” by ” military setbacks ” and speak ” western awakening “. Tomorrow, May 9, it’s ” the holiest day of Putin’s Russia, assures Mark Galeotti in The Obs. True, the master of the Kremlin ” will be able to sell his people a highly symbolic prize of war: the fall of Mariupol, the main port on the Sea of ​​Azov (…) He will also be able to take advantage of a semi-successful diplomacy: despite his coup, Russia is not isolated on the international scene, several large countries, starting with China, refusing to sanction the invasion of Ukraine. But he can claim no triumph, no resounding victory “, says this specialist of Russia to The Obs.

nuclear cyberwar

Nuclear war, but not only… Cyber ​​war too, perhaps just as dangerous as that on the ground. According to The Express,Because they are centralized, French infrastructures are easier to monitor than those of countries where they have been fragmented by the private sector. This is the case of the United States, which has no less than 3,300 energy distributors; even the country’s 93 nuclear reactors are managed by 55 different operators. The cyber protection of this whole system is absolutely dismal “, estimates Nicolas Chaillan, a time responsible for critical infrastructures at the American Department of the Interior, in The Express.

The discourse of the Macron method

In France, yesterday was the investiture ceremony of Emmanuel Macron for his second five-year term, during which the president intends to change his method. What inspire this remark to his predecessor at the end of the ceremony at the Élysée: “ If I remembered one message, it was that he was going to change methods, which means that the previous one was not good. “, said to the Parisian Sunday François Hollande, according to whom ” the method must change “.

beyond this true Discourse on Methoda close friend of the current president, in The Parisian Sunday always, wonders about the new name of Emmanuel Macron’s party, Renaissance: ” Weird, does that mean we were dead before? “.

… when Collomb discovers Macronie

Other breathtaking confidences of one of the ex-macronists of the first hour about immigration, but also of Emmanuel Macron, those of Gérard Collomb. It’s in the weekly Point that the former Minister of the Interior breaks the silence. To speak, indeed, of immigration, first of all. ” When we see today that the second category of asylum seekers is represented by people from Côte d’Ivoire, which is a safe and economically not the most disadvantaged country, it is nonsense. “, said Gérard Collomb to this magazine. According to this former mayor of Lyon, “ when you let the message spread “doors open at our place”, there is inevitably an attractiveness effect. This word of attractiveness annoyed the president so much (Macron) that we were talking about “pull-effect”. It’s the same thing, but in English “, he declares to the Point.

To talk about Emmanuel Macron, then. According to Gérard Collomb, the French President may be in cosmic thought or be totally absorbed in micro-matters, but he may sin at the intermediate level, that of organization », Says Gérard Collomb in Point. The method again…

