Headline: Macron’s trouble to ease tensions with Algeria

1661592213 Headline Macrons trouble to ease tensions with Algeria

Demonstration of breakdance on the program of the French president, who should meet, this August 27 in Oran, the Algerian youth, before returning to Algiers to sign, with President Tebboune, a declaration consecrating the new partnership with Algeria

And indeed, Emmanuel Macron’s visit to Algeria was marked by several program changes. The French president, for example, has shaken up his program for this Saturday. ” Rumors began to circulate among the delegation on Friday, at midday, thus murmurs a source in The Parisian. Rather than returning directly from Oran to Paris, the president will make a final and brief stopover in Algiers. We were told we would be back later. They’re gonna sign something… »

Program changes illustrating what Le Figaro calls on the front page the “unsaid” of the presidential visit to Algeria. As this newspaper puts it, “ the course of this visit, enveloped in vagueness, unspoken words and interspersed with repeated program changes, testifies that the relationship between Paris and Algiers has not however turned into a long calm river. “.

Richard Ferrand’s Bodyguards

In France, the former president of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, although beaten in the last legislative elections and now working in the private sector, enjoys police protection and a state car. According to the newspaper ReleaseRichard Ferrand has police protection and a car from the Ministry of the Interior (…) Two teams, each made up of a safety officer and a safety driver, take turns at his side at all times “.

This daily emphasizes the unprecedented nature of this protection “ who asks questions “, he states, because “ never, until now, had it applied to a former President of the Assembly “. Contacted by ReleaseRichard Ferrand was satisfied to refer our colleague to the Minister of the Interior. In Liberated, Gérald Darmanin admits and declares that this protection is granted to Richard Ferrand only “ temporarily “.

Release points out, however, that the former Prime Minister Jean Castex, who would nevertheless be entitled to such protection, was recently seen “ alone, in the Paris metro “.

Lovely flats for difficult month-ends

In France again, the owners of houses or apartments are scrambling to rent them via the Internet. A way for them to make ends meet. The newspaper The Parisian reports that in the second half of 2022, Airbnb recorded 30% new tenants compared to 2019, in France. According to this Californian platform, “ renting your house or apartment brought in an average of 3,800 euros in 2021. Figures that should increase this year in the context of a global recovery in tourism “, indicates this newspaper.

The Parisian also notes that the province is coming in force on Airbnb. ” And not just the most touristic corners. The campaigns take their revenge against the backdrop of cheap and Franco-French holidays “.

Africa in a kimono

Opening, in Tunis, of the eighth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD). Japan intends to strengthen its presence in Africa, compared to that of China. With this Ticad 8, Japan wants to ” make a difference ” It front of ” new silk roads from China, points out The world. Journal in which the Deputy Director General for Africa of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that his country intends to maintain in Africa ” a relationship of equals and not of giver and recipient “.
